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English translation of but


In French, 'but' is used as 'goal' in English. It is used in reference to an aim or desired result. For example, in the context of a sport like football or a personal ambition. It can also represent the object of a person's ambition or effort.

Example sentences using: but

Le but de ce projet est d'améliorer notre environnement.

English translation of Le but de ce projet est d'améliorer notre environnement.

The goal of this project is to improve our environment.

This phrase states that the primary objective of the project is to enhance the condition of our surroundings.

Atteindre un but nécessite de la détermination et du travail acharné.

English translation of Atteindre un but nécessite de la détermination et du travail acharné.

Achieving a goal requires determination and hard work.

This sentence emphasizes that successfully reaching a goal involves significant effort and commitment.

Son but est de devenir un grand artiste.

English translation of Son but est de devenir un grand artiste.

His goal is to become a great artist.

In this example, the individual has a specific aspiration to achieve success in the artistic field.

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