In French, 'bonjour' is a common greeting. It is typically used during the day to say 'hello' or 'good day'. It is a formal and polite way to greet someone.
Hello, I am lost.
This phrase is used when you are lost. 'je suis perdu' translates directly to 'I am lost' in English.
Hello, are you free tonight?
This phrase is used to ask someone about their availability for the evening after greeting.
Hello, how's it going?
This is a common greeting in French, similar to asking 'how are you?' in English.
Hello, what is your name?
This phrase is used to inquire someone's name after greeting them.
Say hello to your mother for me.
This is a polite phrase showing considerate attention to someone's family.
Hello, can I help you?
This phrase is usually used by shop assistants or staff to offer help.
Hello, it's nice weather today.
This is used to make conversation after greeting about the nice weather.
Hello, where is the bathroom?
This phrase is used to ask where the bathroom is after greeting.
Hello, I have a reservation.
This phrase is typically used when arriving at a hotel or restaurant where you have a reservation.
Hello, my name is John.
This is how you would introduce yourself to someone. The phrase 'je m'appelle' translates directly to 'my name is' in English.
Hello! What is your name?
This is a polite way to ask someone's name in French. 'Quel est votre nom' directly translates to 'What is your name' in English.
Hello, where is the library?
This is a common phrase used to inquire about the location of a place, in this case, the library. 'où est la bibliothèque' translates directly to 'where is the library' in English.
Hello, I would like a coffee, please.
This phrase is often used in a café or restaurant to order a coffee. 'je voudrais un café, s'il vous plaît' directly translates to 'I would like a coffee, please' in English.
Hello, can you help me?
This phrase is typically used when you need assistance. 'pouvez-vous m'aider' translates directly to 'can you help me' in English.
Hello, what day is it?
This pharse is typically used when you don't know the date. 'quel jour est-il' translates directly to 'what day is it' in English.
Hello, what time is it?
This phrase is typically used when you want to know the current time. 'quelle heure est-il' translates directly to 'what time is it' in English.
Hello, it's a beautiful day.
This phrase is used when the weather is nice. 'c'est un beau jour' translates directly to 'it's a beautiful day' in English.