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English translation of bénédictions


The French word for 'blessings' is 'bénédictions'. This term is used similarly in French as it is in English, to represent divine or spiritual favor, well wishes, or positive thoughts. However, like English, the term can also be used more generally to express gratitude or thankfulness in day-to-day conversation or during special occasions.

Example sentences using: bénédictions

Nous devons toujours remercier pour nos bénédictions.

English translation of Nous devons toujours remercier pour nos bénédictions.

We must always give thanks for our blessings.

This sentence is a reminder to always be grateful and show appreciation for the good things (blessings) in life.

Il ne prend jamais ses bénédictions pour acquis.

English translation of Il ne prend jamais ses bénédictions pour acquis.

He never takes his blessings for granted.

This sentence speaks about someone appreciating and valuing the good things (blessings) he has received or owns.

Les bénédictions arrivent quand vous ne les attendez pas.

English translation of Les bénédictions arrivent quand vous ne les attendez pas.

Blessings come when you least expect them.

This sentence suggests that good things or blessings often happen when they are least expected.

Chercher des bénédictions dans chaque situation difficile.

English translation of Chercher des bénédictions dans chaque situation difficile.

Seek blessings in every difficult situation.

This sentence encourages looking for the positive side or blessings even in challenging situations.

Les bénédictions sont souvent déguisées en défis.

English translation of Les bénédictions sont souvent déguisées en défis.

Blessings are often disguised as challenges.

This phrase means that sometimes difficult or challenging situations lead to good outcomes, or blessings, in the long run.

La journée était remplie de bénédictions inattendues.

English translation of La journée était remplie de bénédictions inattendues.

The day was filled with unexpected blessings.

This sentence indicates that someone experienced or received several good things or surprises (blessings) throughout the day that they did not anticipate.

Ses bénédictions n'ont pas de fin.

English translation of Ses bénédictions n'ont pas de fin.

Her blessings are endless.

This sentence talks about someone having an abundance of good things or blessings in life.

La nature est pleine de bénédictions pour ceux qui savent regarder.

English translation of La nature est pleine de bénédictions pour ceux qui savent regarder.

Nature is full of blessings for those who know how to look.

This phrase suggests that, there are many beautiful and positive things or blessings in nature for those who takes the time and have knowledge to appreciate them.

Il a raconté les bénédictions de sa vie.

English translation of Il a raconté les bénédictions de sa vie.

He told about the blessings of his life.

This sentence tells about a person expressing gratitude or total summation of the good things that has happened in his life, which he considers as blessings.

Les bénédictions de la paix deviennent plus évidentes pendant la guerre.

English translation of Les bénédictions de la paix deviennent plus évidentes pendant la guerre.

The blessings of peace become more evident during wartime.

This phrase indicates that during times of conflict or war, the advantages or blessings of peaceful times become more noticeable or appreciated.

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