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English translation of beau


The English word 'beautiful' is translated as 'beau' in French. It is used to describe anything that one finds pleasing or attractive, much like the usage in English. Its feminine form is 'belle', used when referring to a female or an object that is feminine according to French grammar. The plural form is 'beaux' for masculine or mixed groups, and 'belles' for an all-female group.

Example sentences using: beau

Regarde ce beau paysage!

English translation of Regarde ce beau paysage!

Look at this beautiful landscape!

In this exclamatory sentence, 'beau' is used to describe the landscape. It emphasizes the speaker's appreciation for the scene they are viewing.

C'est un beau jour aujourd'hui.

English translation of C'est un beau jour aujourd'hui.

It's a beautiful day today.

This sentence is a simple comment about the weather. 'Beau' is used here to describe the day as nice or beautiful.

Ton jardin est très beau.

English translation of Ton jardin est très beau.

Your garden is very beautiful.

In this sentence, 'beau' is used to describe the garden. When saying 'très beau,' it adds emphasis, translating to 'very beautiful.'

Il a un beau sourire.

English translation of Il a un beau sourire.

He has a beautiful smile.

Here, 'beau' is used to describe the person's smile. In French, it is common to use the word 'beau' to describe physical appearances or qualities.

Cette maison est vraiment belle.

English translation of Cette maison est vraiment belle.

This house is really beautiful.

This sentence uses 'belle,' which is the feminine form of 'beau.' 'Belle' is used to describe feminine nouns, in this case 'maison' (house).

C'est un beau cadeau.

English translation of C'est un beau cadeau.

It's a beautiful gift.

In this sentence, 'beau' is used to describe the gift. It's a way to express appreciation for a present received.

J'ai lu un beau livre hier.

English translation of J'ai lu un beau livre hier.

I read a beautiful book yesterday.

This sentence uses 'beau' to describe the book that was read. In French, 'beau' can describe not only physical beauty, but also metaphorical beauty, such as a well-written book.

Elle a une belle voix.

English translation of Elle a une belle voix.

She has a beautiful voice.

In this sentence, 'belle,' the feminine form of 'beau,' is used to appreciate a woman's voice. It might reference someone who sings well or simply has a pleasing speaking voice.

C'est un beau tableau.

English translation of C'est un beau tableau.

It's a beautiful painting.

This sentence uses 'beau' to describe a painting. It expresses the speaker's admiration for a work of art.

Il porte un beau costume.

English translation of Il porte un beau costume.

He's wearing a beautiful suit.

Here 'beau' is used to describe the suit that the man is wearing. It's a way of complimenting someone's attire.

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