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English translation of balle


The French word 'balle' is used to refer to any ball-like object, similar to the English 'ball'. It can be used in various contexts such as sports, play, or even to refer to the shape of an object. Just like in English, 'balle' can be used to describe the act of throwing a ball (jeter une balle), catching a ball (attraper une balle), or playing with a ball (jouer à la balle).

Example sentences using: balle

Tu as perdu ta balle?

English translation of Tu as perdu ta balle?

Did you lose your ball?

This phrase is typically used in a situation where someone may have misplaced their ball. 'Balle' in French means 'ball'.

Il a lancé la balle dans le parc.

English translation of Il a lancé la balle dans le parc.

He threw the ball in the park.

This phrase describes a simple action of throwing a ball, typically in a fun, outdoor setting like a park.

J'ai attrapé la balle en plein vol.

English translation of J'ai attrapé la balle en plein vol.

I caught the ball mid-flight.

This phrase refers to the action of successfully catching a ball that is in the air.

La balle a rebondi sur le trottoir.

English translation of La balle a rebondi sur le trottoir.

The ball bounced off the sidewalk.

This is a descriptive phrase used when the ball bounces on a hard surface like a sidewalk.

Passer la balle à quelqu'un.

English translation of Passer la balle à quelqu'un.

Pass the ball to someone.

This phrase refers to an action common in many team sports, where a player would 'pass the ball' to another player.

Rattraper la balle au bond.

English translation of Rattraper la balle au bond.

Catch the ball on the rebound.

This phrase refers to catching the ball as it bounces back, often used in sports context.

Elle a frappé la balle de toutes ses forces.

English translation of Elle a frappé la balle de toutes ses forces.

She hit the ball with all her might.

This phrase implies a strong, forceful action of hitting the ball often used in sports context or in physical activities.

La balle est tombée hors du terrain de jeu.

English translation of La balle est tombée hors du terrain de jeu.

The ball fell out of play.

This phrase is used when the ball goes out of the designated play area, commonly used in sports.

La balle de tennis a frappé le filet.

English translation of La balle de tennis a frappé le filet.

The tennis ball hit the net.

This phrase is used to describe the action of the tennis ball hitting the net during a game.

La balle est dans votre champ.

English translation of La balle est dans votre champ.

The ball is in your court.

This is a metaphorical statement generally used to signify that it's someone's turn to take action or make the next move. 'La balle est dans votre champ' literally translates as 'the ball is in your field'.

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