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English translation of autorité


The French word 'autorité' translates to 'authority' in English. It is often used in the same context - to refer to the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience. For example, in a sentence, 'Le professeur a l'autorité dans la classe,' translates to 'The teacher has authority in the class.'

Example sentences using: autorité

Mon père est l'autorité suprême dans notre maison.

English translation of Mon père est l'autorité suprême dans notre maison.

My father is the supreme authority in our house.

In this phrase, 'autorité' embodies the power, control or influence. In this context, father holds the highest power or control in the house.

L'autorité de l'enseignant ne devrait pas être mise en doute.

English translation of L'autorité de l'enseignant ne devrait pas être mise en doute.

The teacher's authority should not be questioned.

Here, 'autorité' portrays the control and right a teacher has to control or decide what happens in their class to facilitate learning.

L'autorité morale est plus importante que l'autorité physique.

English translation of L'autorité morale est plus importante que l'autorité physique.

Moral authority is more important than physical authority.

This sentence emphasizes the supremacy of moral authority, represented by 'autorité', over physical authority, with moral authority being the ability to influence others through personal ethics.

Il a l'autorité nécessaire pour piloter ce projet.

English translation of Il a l'autorité nécessaire pour piloter ce projet.

He has the necessary authority to steer this project.

In this clause, 'autorité' is used to indicate necessary power or control one has to steer or lead a project successfully.

La position haut placée de John lui confère une certaine autorité.

English translation of La position haut placée de John lui confère une certaine autorité.

John's high position gives him certain authority.

In this phrase, 'autorité' is depicted as the power or control someone holds by virtue of their high or important position.

Personne ne conteste son autorité sur ce sujet.

English translation of Personne ne conteste son autorité sur ce sujet.

No one challenges his authority on this subject.

In this sentence, 'autorité' refers to the power or right someone has, perhaps as a recognized expert, over a particular subject or matter.

Il exerce son autorité pour maintenir l'ordre.

English translation of Il exerce son autorité pour maintenir l'ordre.

He exercises his authority to maintain order.

Here, 'autorité' is represented as the power one exercises to keep control or to maintain order in a particular situation.

L'autorité parentale doit être exercée dans le meilleur intérêt de l'enfant.

English translation of L'autorité parentale doit être exercée dans le meilleur intérêt de l'enfant.

Parental authority must be exercised in the child's best interest.

This phrase explains 'autorité' as the control or influence parents have over their child's welfare which should be exercised for the child's benefit.

Elle a l'autorité d'approuver ces demandes.

English translation of Elle a l'autorité d'approuver ces demandes.

She has the authority to approve these requests.

In this example, 'autorité' refers to the power or control one has to approve or veto requests, displaying their position or role.

Il faut respecter l'autorité de la loi.

English translation of Il faut respecter l'autorité de la loi.

We must respect the authority of the law.

In this sentence, 'autorité' is referred to as the power and right that a law has over people's actions. It signifies obedience and respect towards the law.

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