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English translation of au-delà


The French word for 'beyond' is 'au-delà'. This term is often used to refer to something that is further than a particular point or outside a particular region, or to express that something is greater or more extreme than a certain limit. For instance, it is used in phrases like 'au-delà de mes rêves' which translates to 'beyond my dreams'. Just like in English, it can be used for physical, metaphorical, or figurative contexts.

Example sentences using: au-delà

Au-delà de la mer, il y a un autre continent.

English translation of Au-delà de la mer, il y a un autre continent.

Beyond the sea, there is another continent.

This sentence uses 'au-delà' to express what lies beyond a certain point, in this case, beyond the sea.

Au-delà de ses capacités, il ne peut rien faire.

English translation of Au-delà de ses capacités, il ne peut rien faire.

He can't do anything beyond his abilities.

In this sentence, 'au-delà' is used to indicate a limit that cannot be exceeded, here, someone's abilities.

Je suis au-delà de votre compréhension.

English translation of Je suis au-delà de votre compréhension.

I am beyond your understanding.

This sentence employs 'au-delà' to show that something, in this case, 'I', is beyond a certain level of understanding.

Au-delà de ce point, le danger est imminent.

English translation of Au-delà de ce point, le danger est imminent.

Beyond this point, the danger is imminent.

Here, 'au-delà' is used to discuss what exists or may occur beyond a certain point or limit.

Au-delà de ces montagnes, il y a un magnifique paysage.

English translation of Au-delà de ces montagnes, il y a un magnifique paysage.

Beyond these mountains, there is a beautiful landscape.

In this sentence, 'au-delà' is used to describe an area or space that exists beyond a certain point.

Au-delà de la douleur, il y a l'espoir.

English translation of Au-delà de la douleur, il y a l'espoir.

Beyond pain, there is hope.

This sentence expresses an optimistic perspective that 'au-delà' (beyond) pain, there is hope.

Il cherche la vérité au-delà de ce monde.

English translation of Il cherche la vérité au-delà de ce monde.

He is looking for the truth beyond this world.

'Au-delà' is employed here to imply a metaphorical pursuit for truth that extends beyond the physical world we know.

Au-delà de l'horizon, le soleil se couche.

English translation of Au-delà de l'horizon, le soleil se couche.

The sun sets beyond the horizon.

This sentence uses 'au-delà' to disclose a location where an action is taking place, i.e., beyond the horizon.

Au-delà de son sourire, elle cachait sa tristesse.

English translation of Au-delà de son sourire, elle cachait sa tristesse.

Behind her smile, she was hiding her sadness.

'Au-delà' in this context is metaphorically used to imply beyond/behind the surface, in this case hidden sadness behind the smile.

J'admire votre détermination qui va au-delà de l'ordinaire.

English translation of J'admire votre détermination qui va au-delà de l'ordinaire.

I admire your determination that goes beyond the ordinary.

In this phrase, 'au-delà' is used to compare the norm or the ordinary to something that surpasses it.

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