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English translation of Attendre


The French word 'Attendre' is used to express the action of waiting. It is a verb and can be used in various contexts just like the English equivalent. For example, 'J'attends mon ami' means 'I wait for my friend'. It can also be used in the imperative form like 'Attends!' which means 'Wait!'.

Example sentences using: Attendre

Il va attendre le bus.

English translation of Il va attendre le bus.

He is going to wait for the bus.

Here, 'attendre' is used in the context of waiting for a bus. It's in the third person singular, future tense.

Nous devons attendre les résultats avant de décider.

English translation of Nous devons attendre les résultats avant de décider.

We have to wait for the results before deciding.

In this usage, 'attendre' expresses an obligation to wait for results before making a decision. It is used in the first person plural in present tense.

Elle peut attendre un peu plus longtemps.

English translation of Elle peut attendre un peu plus longtemps.

She can wait a little longer.

This example shows 'attendre' being used to express the ability to wait. It's used in the third person singular, present tense.

Nous allons attendre jusqu'à demain.

English translation of Nous allons attendre jusqu'à demain.

We are going to wait until tomorrow.

In this phrase, 'attendre' means waiting for a certain period of time, until tomorrow, in this case. It is used in first person plural, future tense.

Je ne peux pas attendre ce moment !

English translation of Je ne peux pas attendre ce moment !

I can't wait for this moment!

This usage of 'attendre' suggests anticipation for a particular moment, signifying eagerness or impatience. It's used in a negative sentence in first person singular, present tense.

Tu devrais attendre pour voir ce qui se passe.

English translation of Tu devrais attendre pour voir ce qui se passe.

You should wait to see what happens.

In this context, 'attendre' is used to give advice about waiting for an outcome or result. It is used in second person singular, present tense.

Ils sont venus tôt pour attendre le début du film.

English translation of Ils sont venus tôt pour attendre le début du film.

They came early to wait for the start of the movie.

This example shows 'attendre' being used in the context of waiting for an event, the start of a movie, in this case. It's used in third person plural, past tense.

Attendre toute la journée est épuisant.

English translation of Attendre toute la journée est épuisant.

Waiting all day is exhausting.

In this case, 'attendre' is used as the base form and it describes how waiting for a long period of time can be tiring. The verb is used in infinitive form.

Elles vont attendre au restaurant.

English translation of Elles vont attendre au restaurant.

They are going to wait at the restaurant.

This phrase uses 'attendre' to express the act of waiting at a location, 'the restaurant' in this case. The verb is used in the third person plural, future tense form.

Je dois attendre mon ami à la gare.

English translation of Je dois attendre mon ami à la gare.

I have to wait for my friend at the train station.

This phrase uses 'attendre' to express the act of waiting for someone, in this case, a friend at the train station. The verb is used in the first person singular, present tense form.

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