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English translation of atteindre


The French word 'atteindre' is used to express the action of reaching something or someone. It can be used in many different contexts, just like the English word 'reach'. For example, it can be used to discuss reaching a destination or a goal. It can also be used metaphorically, similar to how you might say 'reach a conclusion' in English.

Example sentences using: atteindre

Nous devons atteindre le sommet avant midi.

English translation of Nous devons atteindre le sommet avant midi.

We must reach the summit before noon.

This sentence uses the verb 'atteindre' in a context for reaching a physical place, in this case, the summit of a mountain before a certain time. It can be used to symbolize a particular target or destination we strive to get to.

Il n'a pas pu atteindre les exigences du cours.

English translation of Il n'a pas pu atteindre les exigences du cours.

He couldn't meet the course requirements.

In this sentence, 'atteindre' is used to express the inability to meet or fulfill something, specifically the requirements of a course.

Je tente d'atteindre un niveau supérieur en français.

English translation of Je tente d'atteindre un niveau supérieur en français.

I am trying to reach a higher level in French.

In this context, 'atteindre' is used to express a personal advancement or aspiration, that is to reach a higher level in French language.

Le gouvernement s'efforce d'atteindre une croissance économique durable.

English translation of Le gouvernement s'efforce d'atteindre une croissance économique durable.

The government is striving to achieve sustainable economic growth.

Here, the verb 'atteindre' is being used to illustrate a goal or aim that is to be reached, in this case, achieving sustainable economic growth.

Il semble difficile d'atteindre un consensus sur cette question.

English translation of Il semble difficile d'atteindre un consensus sur cette question.

It seems difficult to reach a consensus on this issue.

In this sentence, 'atteindre' is used to express the difficulty of reaching a mutual agreement or consensus on a particular issue.

Vous pouvez atteindre le bonheur si vous le poursuivez.

English translation of Vous pouvez atteindre le bonheur si vous le poursuivez.

You can attain happiness if you pursue it.

This sentence uses 'atteindre' to express achieving or attaining something abstract, i.e., happiness, emphasizing that it requires pursuit.

Elle essaie d'atteindre l'autonomie financière.

English translation of Elle essaie d'atteindre l'autonomie financière.

She is trying to achieve financial independence.

In this example, 'atteindre' is used to express reaching a state of being, in this case, obtaining financial independence.

Il a travaillé dur pour atteindre son niveau actuel de forme physique.

English translation of Il a travaillé dur pour atteindre son niveau actuel de forme physique.

He worked hard to reach his current level of fitness.

This sentence uses 'atteindre' in the context of effort towards achieving a specific target, here, a desired level of physical fitness.

Il est important d'atteindre l'équilibre entre travail et vie personnelle.

English translation of Il est important d'atteindre l'équilibre entre travail et vie personnelle.

It's important to achieve work-life balance.

In this sentence, 'atteindre' means to achieve or establish a balance, conveying that reaching this state requires effort and is considered an achievement.

Elle espère atteindre ses objectifs cette année.

English translation of Elle espère atteindre ses objectifs cette année.

She hopes to achieve her goals this year.

This sentence uses 'atteindre' to express reaching or achieving something, in this case, her goals for the year. This application of 'atteindre' is commonly used in the context of goals or objectives.

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