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English translation of attaque


The French word 'attaque' is used primarily in the context of a physical or verbal assault, similar to the English word 'attack'. It can be used to refer to an act of aggressive action against someone or something. It can also refer to a critical or hostile comment.

Example sentences using: attaque

Il prépare une attaque contre l'ennemi.

English translation of Il prépare une attaque contre l'ennemi.

He is preparing an attack against the enemy.

In this example, 'attaque' is used to imply a strategic or physical assault planned by a person or group against their adversary.

La ville a subi une attaque de termites.

English translation of La ville a subi une attaque de termites.

The city underwent a termite attack.

Here, 'attaque' refers to a harmful infestation by insects, specifically termites, in a city or geographical region.

Son attaque a été très puissante.

English translation of Son attaque a été très puissante.

His attack was very powerful.

In this context, 'attaque' can relate to a forceful action or aggression carried out by an individual. It could be physical or metaphorical, indicating a strong impact in either sense.

L'attaque sur le château a commencé à l'aube.

English translation of L'attaque sur le château a commencé à l'aube.

The attack on the castle began at dawn.

Here, 'attaque' means a hostile action or warfare on a stronghold or fortress, precisely at the time of sunrise. It's often used in historical or fantasy contexts.

Son cœur a stoppé suite à une attaque cardiaque.

English translation of Son cœur a stoppé suite à une attaque cardiaque.

His heart stopped due to a heart attack.

In medical context, 'attaque' is used to represent a sudden disorder or disease, specifically a heart attack which indicates a sudden cardiac arrest.

L'équipe a orchestré une attaque parfaite.

English translation of L'équipe a orchestré une attaque parfaite.

The team orchestrated a perfect attack.

This sentence uses 'attaque' in a sporting context, representing a collective and strategic aggressive move against the opponents.

Il a été accusé d'attaque verbale.

English translation of Il a été accusé d'attaque verbale.

He was accused of verbal attack.

In this example, 'attaque' refers to a form of non-physical, vocal or spoken aggression, specifically one that leads to accusation.

L'attaque de la poésie était trop directe.

English translation of L'attaque de la poésie était trop directe.

The attack of the poetry was too direct.

This uses 'attaque' as metaphorical phrase to illustrate the perceived harshness or directness of a piece of literature, in this case a poem.

Le général a commandé l'attaque.

English translation of Le général a commandé l'attaque.

The general commanded the attack.

In a military context, 'attaque' refers to a strategic assault or offensive move ordered by a person in authority, such as a general.

La nation a lancé une attaque sur l'infrastructure cybernétique.

English translation of La nation a lancé une attaque sur l'infrastructure cybernétique.

The nation launched an attack on the cyber infrastructure.

This phrase uses 'attaque' to signify a cybernetic assault. It represents a digital or virtual form of assault on online systems or internet frameworks.

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