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English translation of artiste


The word 'artiste' in French is used very similarly to the word 'artist' in English. It refers to a person who creates art, often professionally. This could apply to a range of artistic professions, including painters, musicians, actors among others. Just as in English, it can also be used metaphorically in French to refer to someone who is extremely skilled in a certain area.

Example sentences using: artiste

Il est un artiste renommé dans le monde entier.

English translation of Il est un artiste renommé dans le monde entier.

He is a famous artist around the world.

This statement is introducing an individual as a famous artist known around the world. This phrase can be used when talking about someone's recognition or popularity as an artist.

Tu es un vrai artiste avec la peinture.

English translation of Tu es un vrai artiste avec la peinture.

You are a real artist with paint.

This phrase is giving someone a compliment for their painting skills. By calling them a real artist, you appreciate their talent in painting.

Mon ami est un artiste talentueux.

English translation of Mon ami est un artiste talentueux.

My friend is a skilful artist.

This is a simple phrase which is used to appreciate an artist's skills, in this case, the speaker's friend.

J'admire le travail de cet artiste.

English translation of J'admire le travail de cet artiste.

I admire the work of this artist.

This phrase expresses someone's admiration and respect for an artist's work. It can be used when discussing art or critiquing an artist's work.

L'artiste a peint un magnifique paysage.

English translation of L'artiste a peint un magnifique paysage.

The artist painted a magnificent landscape.

In this statement, one is speaking about the beautiful landscape an artist has painted. This phrase can be used when describing a piece of artwork.

Il est difficile de vivre comme un artiste.

English translation of Il est difficile de vivre comme un artiste.

It is hard to live as an artist.

This phrase reflects the speaker's view on the challenges that an artist has to face in their lifestyle. It's typically used when discussing lifestyle choices, achievements, or struggles of artists.

C'est une artiste extraordinaire.

English translation of C'est une artiste extraordinaire.

She's an extraordinary artist.

Used to express admiration for a female artist's skills or contributions, this phrase highlights her exceptional talent.

L'artiste est venu d'Italie.

English translation of L'artiste est venu d'Italie.

The artist came from Italy.

A simple statement about the origin of the artist. This phrase can be used when introducing an artist or talking about their background.

L'artiste utilise des couleurs vives dans ses œuvres.

English translation of L'artiste utilise des couleurs vives dans ses œuvres.

The artist uses bright colors in his works.

This phrase describes an artist's characteristic style, in this case, the use of bright colors. It's typically used when discussing an artist's unique touches or features in his pieces.

Elle veut devenir une artiste.

English translation of Elle veut devenir une artiste.

She wants to become an artist.

A simple phrase discussing someone's aspirations to become an artist. This can be used when talking about career or life goals.

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