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English translation of armée


The term 'armée' in French is used in the same context as 'army' in English, referring to a country's organized, armed land force. It is a female noun in French and is used in various contexts such as discussing the military, history or geopolitics. Like in English, it can also sometimes metaphorically refer to a large group of people or things.

Example sentences using: armée

L'armée est prête pour la bataille.

English translation of L'armée est prête pour la bataille.

The army is ready for battle.

This phrase illustrates that the army is prepared for an impending military battle.

Ma sœur veut rejoindre l'armée.

English translation of Ma sœur veut rejoindre l'armée.

My sister wants to join the army.

The speaker's sister is considering a career in the military.

L'armée est en marche vers le front.

English translation of L'armée est en marche vers le front.

The army is marching towards the front.

This phrase describes a military force moving towards the area where it will meet and engage the enemy.

J'ai servi dans l'armée pendant dix ans.

English translation of J'ai servi dans l'armée pendant dix ans.

I served in the army for ten years.

The speaker indicates that they were a member of the military for a decade.

L'armée a mis fin au conflit.

English translation of L'armée a mis fin au conflit.

The army ended the conflict.

This means that the military force was able to resolution a conflict or war.

L'armée renforce ses rangs.

English translation of L'armée renforce ses rangs.

The army is reinforcing its ranks.

This means that the military is increasing its numbers, often in preparation for a conflict.

L'armée défend la nation.

English translation of L'armée défend la nation.

The army defends the nation.

This sentence conveys the role of a country's military, which is to protect it from external threats.

L'armée prépare une offensive.

English translation of L'armée prépare une offensive.

The army is preparing an offensive.

This indicates that the military is planning an operation by which it intends to attack the enemy.

L'armée recrute de nouveaux soldats.

English translation of L'armée recrute de nouveaux soldats.

The army is recruiting new soldiers.

In this sentence, the military is said to be in the process of bringing in new personnel to serve as soldiers.

Il sert dans l'armée de l'air.

English translation of Il sert dans l'armée de l'air.

He serves in the air force.

'Armée de l'air' is a specific term in French referring to the air force, a branch of a country's military that conducts aerial warfare.

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