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English translation of après


The French word 'après' is used in the same context as the English word 'after'. It can be used both in term of time, like in 'after lunch' which translates to 'après déjeuner', and order, like in 'after me' which translates to 'après moi'. It's a very common word in French and is used frequently in conversations and writings.

Example sentences using: après

Après le déjeuner, nous allons faire une promenade

English translation of Après le déjeuner, nous allons faire une promenade

After lunch, we go for a walk

The word 'après' means 'after' in English. In this sentence, it is used to represent how events in time are sequenced or to specify a time frame.

Je vais voir un film après le travail

English translation of Je vais voir un film après le travail

I'm going to see a movie after work

In this sentence, 'après' is used to describe an activity (watching a movie) that will occur subsequent to another activity (finishing work).

Après toi, c'est à mon tour de jouer

English translation of Après toi, c'est à mon tour de jouer

After you, it's my turn to play

This sentence reflects the use of 'après' in indicating an order of turns or sequence of activities.

Pense à fermer la porte après toi

English translation of Pense à fermer la porte après toi

Remember to close the door after you

In this sentence, 'après' is used to signify actions that follow others in spatial positioning, i.e following someone else's actions.

Après plusieurs tentatives, il a finalement reussi

English translation of Après plusieurs tentatives, il a finalement reussi

After several attempts, he finally succeeded

In this case, 'après' is used to express the sequencing of actions or events, in this case, the task was successful after several attempts.

Après la pluie, le beau temps

English translation of Après la pluie, le beau temps

After the rain, the good weather

This is a phrase often used in French to mean that after difficult times, good times will follow. 'Après' is used here to denote the sequence of events.

C'est toujours calme après la tempête

English translation of C'est toujours calme après la tempête

It's always calm after the storm

This is a saying that indicates a return to normality after a period of turmoil. 'Après' is used to denote the sequence of the calm following the storm.

Après tout, c'est une bonne idée

English translation of Après tout, c'est une bonne idée

After all, it's a good idea

This illustrates the use of 'après tout' (after all), a phrase that's often used to add an afterthought or to express a change in opinion.

Après la guerre, il est retourné chez lui

English translation of Après la guerre, il est retourné chez lui

After the war, he returned home

This sentence describes an event that occurred following a specific period in time, i.e., the war. 'Après' is used to show the sequence of events.

Elle se sentait bien mieux après avoir dormi

English translation of Elle se sentait bien mieux après avoir dormi

She felt much better after sleeping

Here, 'après' is followed by 'avoir dormi' (having slept), which forms the perfect infinitive to depict a past event (sleep) that has an impact on another event (feeling better).

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