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English translation of apparaître


The French word 'apparaître' translates to 'appear' in English. It is primarily used to describe the act of becoming visible or the act of starting to be. It can be used in various contexts, such as in appearing in a place or at a particular time, appearing on a show, or making an appearance in a performance or public event. Like in English, it can also metaphorically denote appearing or becoming clear to the mind.

Example sentences using: apparaître

Son nom va apparaître sur l'écran.

English translation of Son nom va apparaître sur l'écran.

His name will appear on the screen.

This sentence is describing a future action where someone's name will manifest or display on a screen, such as a TV, computer, or scoreboard. 'Apparaître' is used here in its future simple form to indicate this.

Il semble apparaître de nulle part.

English translation of Il semble apparaître de nulle part.

He seems to appear out of nowhere.

This sentence uses 'apparaître' to describe someone or something that is suddenly manifesting from an undefined or unknown location, seeming inexplicable. It's a common phrase used in contexts where surprise or shock is present.

Une idée vient de m'apparaître.

English translation of Une idée vient de m'apparaître.

An idea just occurred to me.

In this sentence, 'apparaître' is used in a metaphoric way to denote the sudden occurrence or manifestation of an idea in one's mind. It's commonly used when someone has a sudden thought or realization.

La lune a commencé à apparaître.

English translation of La lune a commencé à apparaître.

The moon has started to appear.

'Apparaître' in this context is used to describe the moon's visibility in the sky. It indicates a transition from non-visibility to visibility as the moon rises.

Des boutons ont commencé à apparaître sur sa peau.

English translation of Des boutons ont commencé à apparaître sur sa peau.

Bumps started to appear on his skin.

This sentence uses 'apparaître' to describe a situation where bumps or spots are beginning to manifest on an individual's skin, probably due to an illness or skin condition.

La vérité va sûrement apparaître.

English translation of La vérité va sûrement apparaître.

The truth will surely appear.

The verb 'apparaître' is used here to emphasize the inevitable manifestation of the truth. It implies that the truth, although currently hidden or unknown, will eventually be revealed or become apparent.

Des problèmes peuvent apparaître à tout moment.

English translation of Des problèmes peuvent apparaître à tout moment.

Problems can appear at any time.

In this sentence, 'apparaître' is used to suggest the potential occurrence of problems in a non-specified future time. It serves to remind of the unpredictable nature of issues.

Laisse ton talent apparaître.

English translation of Laisse ton talent apparaître.

Let your talent appear.

Here, 'apparaître' is used as a call to action, encouraging the individual to allow or enable their talent or skills to be visible or known to others, often in the context of a performance or demonstration.

Je veux que mon article apparaisse en première page.

English translation of Je veux que mon article apparaisse en première page.

I want my article to appear on the front page.

The use of 'apparaître' in this sentence deals with the act of displaying an article prominently in a newspaper or a website. The person speaking is expressing a desire for high visibility for their work.

Des fleurs commencent à apparaître.

English translation of Des fleurs commencent à apparaître.

Flowers are beginning to appear.

This sentence uses 'apparaître' to depict the blooming of flowers, a common sight in spring. It's a clear and beautiful illustration of the indication of natural growth and change.

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