The French word 'année' means 'year' in English. It is mostly used in the same way as in English, to refer to the period of 365 days (or 366 days in leap years) from the 1st of January to the 31st of December. Sometimes, it can also be used to refer to any period of twelve consecutive months.
He worked here for a year.
This sentence is used in the context where someone worked at a certain place for the duration of a single year. 'Pendant' is a French preposition used to describe the duration of time, which in this case, is a year or 'une année'.
Happy new year to all!
This is a common French phrase used to wish people a happy new year. It is usually said at the start of a new year to friends, family and acquaintances.
Every year, we go to the beach.
This sentence is used to describe an annual event or tradition. The phrase 'chaque année' directly translates to 'every year', indicating a recurring event.
In a year, there are twelve months.
This sentence is stating a basic fact about the composition of a calendar year, which is broken down into twelve months.
It's my birth year.
'Année de naissance' translates to 'year of birth', so the speaker is indicating what year they were born.
Next year, we will move.
'L'année prochaine' translates to 'next year'. This sentence describes an event that is planned to happen in the upcoming year.
This year, I am going to learn French.
In this context, 'cette année' means 'this year'. The speaker is expressing their intention or plan to learn French in the current year.
I haven't seen my friend for a year.
This sentence describes a period (a year) during which the speaker has not seen their friend. 'Depuis une année' roughly translates to 'for a year'.
She lost her job last year.
'L'année passée' translates to 'last year'. In this context, it is used to highlight that a certain event – in this case, the loss of a job – happened in the previous year.
He was born last year.
This sentence is generally used to indicate that a person was born in the previous year, relative to the current one. 'L'année dernière' translates to 'last year'.