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English translation of ancien


The French word 'ancien' is used to refer to something that used to exist or be in effect in the past. It is equivalent to the English word 'former'. It can be used in various contexts such as former president (ancien président), former student (ancien élève), etc. The position of 'ancien' before or after the noun can change the meaning; placed before the noun it translates as 'former' and after the noun, it translates as 'ancient' or 'old'.

Example sentences using: ancien

C'est un style ancien mais charmant.

English translation of C'est un style ancien mais charmant.

It's an old but charming style.

'Ancien' here implies the style is old or classic. The adjective 'ancien' is used to express the age or historical aspect of the style.

Il travaille dans une école ancienne.

English translation of Il travaille dans une école ancienne.

He works in an old school.

In this context, 'ancien' is used to describe the old age of the school where the person works. The word 'ancien' is an adjective in this sentence.

Mon ancien chef était très sévère.

English translation of Mon ancien chef était très sévère.

My former boss was very strict.

Here, 'ancien' is referring to a boss from the past or a previous job. It is used to indicate previous relationships or possessions.

C'est un ancien étudiant de cette université.

English translation of C'est un ancien étudiant de cette université.

He is a former student of this university.

In this case, 'ancien' describes the person as a past, or former, student of the university. This kind of phrase emphasizes the person's past association with the place.

J'ai visité l'ancien quartier de Paris.

English translation of J'ai visité l'ancien quartier de Paris.

I visited the old quarter of Paris.

In this statement, 'ancien' is describing the historical or old quarter of Paris. It shows the speaker's experience of visiting a traditional and historically significant part of the city.

Elle est une ancienne élève de mon école.

English translation of Elle est une ancienne élève de mon école.

She is a former student of my school.

Here, 'ancien' refers to the past and represents that she was a student at my school in the past. It indicates that she's no longer a student at this school.

C'est une maison de style ancien.

English translation of C'est une maison de style ancien.

It's a house of old style.

In this sentence, 'ancien' is used to describe the classic or historical style of the house. It helps create a vivid picture of a house that might have an antique or vintage look.

Mon ancien appartement était plus grand.

English translation of Mon ancien appartement était plus grand.

My former apartment was bigger.

'Ancien' here refers to the speaker's previous living situation. It specifies that the speaker's past apartment was larger than his current one.

Il est un ancien joueur de football.

English translation of Il est un ancien joueur de football.

He is a former football player.

In this phrase, 'ancien' is used to express the past career of the person as a football player. It indicates the person's previous affiliation with being a football player.

Nous avons rénové notre ancienne maison.

English translation of Nous avons rénové notre ancienne maison.

We renovated our old house.

In this sentence, 'ancien' refers to the house's age or perhaps the length of time the speakers have owned it. The sentence implies that the house was perhaps outdated or run-down, justifying the renovation.

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