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English translation of amour


In French, the English word 'love' is translated as 'amour'. It can be used in similar contexts as in English to express romantic affection or deep friendliness towards someone or something. For example, 'Je t'aime' in French is 'I love you' in English. It's vital in phrases that express strong emotional statements.

Example sentences using: amour

Notre amour est éternel.

English translation of Notre amour est éternel.

Our love is eternal.

This sentence uses 'amour' to depict a profound, everlasting romantic relation between two people.

L'amour est une émotion intangible.

English translation of L'amour est une émotion intangible.

Love is an intangible emotion.

This is a simple sentence in French that expresses a philosophical thought about love, describing it as an intangible emotion that often cannot be adequately explained or defined.

J'ai de l'amour pour ma famille.

English translation of J'ai de l'amour pour ma famille.

I have love for my family.

In this sentence, love ('amour') is used to express familial affection. It demonstrates the concept of love within the context of family relationships.

Il écrit un poème d'amour à sa bien-aimée.

English translation of Il écrit un poème d'amour à sa bien-aimée.

He writes a love poem to his beloved.

This sentence showcases 'amour' within a romantic context. It presents a scenario where a man expresses his love through a poem.

La guerre et l'amour sont imprévisibles.

English translation of La guerre et l'amour sont imprévisibles.

War and love are unpredictable.

This sentence employs a metaphorical use of 'love', comparing it to war, both unpredictable in nature.

Paris est la ville de l'amour.

English translation of Paris est la ville de l'amour.

Paris is the city of love.

This sentence uses 'amour' to express a common sentiment that equates the city of Paris with the concept of love.

Elle lui a déclaré son amour.

English translation of Elle lui a déclaré son amour.

She confessed her love to him.

The term 'amour' here signifies the romantic affection a woman feels for a man and the courage it took her to express those feelings.

L'amour pour la nature est important pour notre survie.

English translation of L'amour pour la nature est important pour notre survie.

Love for nature is important for our survival.

This sentence uses 'amour' to emphasize the need for humans to respect and care for the environment, highlighting its importance for sustaining life.

L'amour-propre est nécessaire pour une bonne santé mentale.

English translation of L'amour-propre est nécessaire pour une bonne santé mentale.

Self-love is necessary for good mental health.

Here, 'amour' is used in the compound term 'amour-propre', which means self-love or self-esteem. It underlines the significance of this for overall mental well-being.

Le manque d'amour peut causer de grandes douleurs.

English translation of Le manque d'amour peut causer de grandes douleurs.

Lack of love can cause great pain.

In this sentence, 'amour' is portrayed as a remedy against pain, emphasizing that the absence of love can lead to suffering.

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