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English translation of amitié


'Amitié' is the French term for 'friendship'. It is often used to describe the state of being friends or a friendly feeling towards someone.

Example sentences using: amitié

J'aime beaucoup le film 'Amitié Éternelle'.

English translation of J'aime beaucoup le film 'Amitié Éternelle'.

I really like the movie 'Eternal Friendship'.

This sentence is expressing the speaker's likeness for a movie. 'J'aime beaucoup' conveys 'I really like' and 'le film' means 'the movie'. The title of the movie 'Amitié Éternelle' translates to 'Eternal Friendship'.

L'amitié entre les personnages du film est très touchante.

English translation of L'amitié entre les personnages du film est très touchante.

The friendship between the movie characters is very touching.

In this sentence, the speaker is relaying their emotions about the friendship between characters in a movie. 'L'amitié entre' means 'the friendship between', and 'les personnages du film' translates to the 'characters of the movie'. 'Est très touchante' tells us that it is very touching.

Ce film montre une belle amitié malgré les difficultés.

English translation of Ce film montre une belle amitié malgré les difficultés.

This movie shows a beautiful friendship despite the difficulties.

Here, the speaker is highlighting the theme of the movie. 'Ce film montre' translates to 'this movie shows', 'une belle amitié' means 'a beautiful friendship' and 'malgré les difficultés' denotes 'despite the difficulties'.

La notion d'amitié est centrale dans ce film d'aventure.

English translation of La notion d'amitié est centrale dans ce film d'aventure.

The notion of friendship is central in this adventure film.

This sentence is indicating a theme of a movie. 'La notion d'amitié' translates to 'the notion of friendship', 'est centrale' means 'is central' and 'dans ce film d'aventure' translates to 'in this adventure film'.

Est-ce que tu penses que l'amitié dans ce film est réaliste?

English translation of Est-ce que tu penses que l'amitié dans ce film est réaliste?

Do you think the friendship in this movie is realistic?

In this sentence, the speaker is initiating a discussion by asking another person for their opinion on a movie. 'Est-ce que tu penses' translates to 'Do you think', 'que l'amitié dans ce film' means 'the friendship in this movie' and 'est réaliste?' is 'is realistic?'

C'est une histoire d'amitié qui transcende le temps dans ce film.

English translation of C'est une histoire d'amitié qui transcende le temps dans ce film.

It's a story of friendship that transcends time in this movie.

Here, the speaker is summarising the plot of a movie. 'C'est une histoire d'amitié' translates to 'It's a story of friendship', 'qui transcende le temps' translates to 'that transcends time' and 'dans ce film' is 'in this movie'.

L'amitié est souvent un thème récurrent dans les films français.

English translation of L'amitié est souvent un thème récurrent dans les films français.

Friendship is often a recurring theme in French movies.

This sentence is making a general statement about French cinema. 'L'amitié est' translates to 'friendship is', 'souvent un thème récurrent' means 'often a recurring theme' and 'dans les films français' is 'in French movies'.

J'adore comment l'amitié se développe dans ce film.

English translation of J'adore comment l'amitié se développe dans ce film.

I love how friendship develops in this movie.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing what they love about a particular movie. 'J'adore comment l'amitié' means 'I love how friendship', 'se développe' translates to 'develops' and 'dans ce film' is 'in this movie'.

Cette scène illustre parfaitement l'amitié inattendue entre les deux protagonistes du film.

English translation of Cette scène illustre parfaitement l'amitié inattendue entre les deux protagonistes du film.

This scene perfectly illustrates the unexpected friendship between the two movie's protagonists.

This sentence is discussing a particular scene from a movie. 'Cette scène illustre parfaitement' translates to 'This scene perfectly illustrates', 'l'amitié inattendue entre' means 'the unexpected friendship between' and 'les deux protagonistes du film' translates to 'the two protagonists of the movie'.

Le personnage principal apprend la valeur de l'amitié tout au long du film.

English translation of Le personnage principal apprend la valeur de l'amitié tout au long du film.

The main character learns the value of friendship throughout the movie.

This sentence is outlining a character's journey in a movie. 'Le personnage principal apprend la valeur de l'amitié' translates to 'The main character learns the value of friendship', and 'tout au long du film' means 'throughout the movie'.

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