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English translation of amis


The word 'amis' is used in French to represent friends. It is a plural noun and is used to refer to more than one friend. Much like in English, it can be used in any context where one might discuss their friends, such as hanging out with friends, childhood friends, or mutual friends.

Example sentences using: amis

J'ai beaucoup d'amis.

English translation of J'ai beaucoup d'amis.

I have many friends.

In this sentence, the speaker expresses that he/she has a large number of friends.

Les amis sont importants.

English translation of Les amis sont importants.

Friends are important.

This is a general statement expressing the value and significance of friends.

Je vais au parc avec mes amis.

English translation of Je vais au parc avec mes amis.

I am going to the park with my friends.

This sentence conveys the speaker's intent to visit the park accompanied by their friends.

Où sont mes amis?

English translation of Où sont mes amis?

Where are my friends?

The speaker is questioning the whereabouts of his/her friends in this sentence.

J'aime passer du temps avec mes amis.

English translation of J'aime passer du temps avec mes amis.

I like spending time with my friends.

This sentence expresses the speaker's enjoyment in spending time with their friends.

Nous sommes amis depuis longtemps.

English translation of Nous sommes amis depuis longtemps.

We have been friends for a long time.

This sentence conveys the duration of the friendship between the speaker and the other party.

Les amis sont toujours là pour vous.

English translation of Les amis sont toujours là pour vous.

Friends are always there for you.

This phrase expresses the supportive role friends are expected to play.

J'ai rencontré mes amis à l'école.

English translation of J'ai rencontré mes amis à l'école.

I met my friends at school.

This sentence explains where the speaker first made acquaintances with their friends.

Nous devrions inviter nos amis.

English translation of Nous devrions inviter nos amis.

We should invite our friends.

This is a suggestion of inviting friends to an event, highlighting the concept of inclusion.

Mes amis sont ici.

English translation of Mes amis sont ici.

My friends are here.

This is a simple declarative sentence indicating the presence of my friends at a particular location.

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