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English translation of ami


The term 'ami' is a commonly-used word in French to refer to a friend. It's used in contexts similar to the English 'friend', denoting a person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.

Example sentences using: ami

Je suis ami avec le réalisateur de ce film.

English translation of Je suis ami avec le réalisateur de ce film.

I am friends with the director of this movie.

In this sentence, the word 'ami' means friend. In this French sentence, 'Je suis ami avec' is the phrase used for 'I am friends with'. It's a simple and useful sentence pattern that uses the French verb 'être' (to be).

Mon ami déteste les films d'horreur.

English translation of Mon ami déteste les films d'horreur.

My friend hates horror movies.

In this sentence, 'Mon ami déteste' means 'My friend hates'. The verb 'déteste' (hates) is used to express dislike about something, in this case, horror movies.

Notre ami aime les films de science-fiction.

English translation of Notre ami aime les films de science-fiction.

Our friend loves science fiction films.

In this sentence, 'Notre ami aime' means 'Our friend loves'. The verb 'aime' (likes) is used to express appreciation for something, in this case, science fiction films.

Les amis ont regardé un film ensemble.

English translation of Les amis ont regardé un film ensemble.

The friends watched a movie together.

The phrase 'Les amis ont regardé' means 'The friends watched.' Here 'ont regardé' is passé composé, a French past tense to express a specific action that took place in the past.

J'irai voir un film avec un ami demain.

English translation of J'irai voir un film avec un ami demain.

I will go to see a movie with a friend tomorrow.

In this sentence, 'J'irai voir un film avec un ami demain' means 'I will go to see a movie with a friend tomorrow'. This is a future-tense sentence using the future simple tense, 'irai'.

English translation of Mon ami a recommandé ce film.

My friend recommended this movie.

In this sentence, 'Mon ami a recommandé' means 'My friend recommended'. The verb 'a recommandé' is passé composé, used to describe actions completed in the past.

Je vais voir ce film avec mon ami.

English translation of Je vais voir ce film avec mon ami.

I am going to watch this movie with my friend.

In this sentence, 'Je vais voir' means 'I am going to watch'. This is using the French 'futur proche' to express something that will happen in the immediate future.

Mon ami et moi aimons les films romantiques.

English translation of Mon ami et moi aimons les films romantiques.

My friend and I love romantic movies.

The phrase 'Mon ami et moi aimons' means 'My friend and I love.' Here, 'aimons' is the first person plural (nous form) of the verb 'aimer', which means to love.

L'ami de mon frère est acteur de cinéma.

English translation of L'ami de mon frère est acteur de cinéma.

My brother's friend is a movie actor.

In this sentence, 'L'ami de mon frère est acteur de cinéma' means 'My brother's friend is a movie actor'. The phrase 'est acteur de cinéma' explains the occupation of the friend in question.

Cet ami va souvent au cinéma.

English translation of Cet ami va souvent au cinéma.


This friend often goes to the cinema.

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