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English translation of américain


The French word for 'American' is 'américain'. It is an adjective and could be used to describe someone's nationality, a product or anything else that is from or related to America. Like all French adjectives, remember that 'américain' will need to agree in gender and number with the noun that it is modifying, resulting in four possible forms: américain, américaine, américains and américaines.

Example sentences using: américain

Elle a étudié la littérature américaine à l'université.

English translation of Elle a étudié la littérature américaine à l'université.

She studied American literature at university.

This sentence explains that the person had American literature as her subject of study during her university years.

Ce restaurant sert une cuisine américaine authentique.

English translation of Ce restaurant sert une cuisine américaine authentique.

This restaurant serves authentic American cuisine.

The sentence outlines that the restaurant specializes in offering its patrons traditional American dishes.

English translation of De nombreux films américains sont populaires dans le monde entier.

Many American films are popular worldwide.

Here, 'américains' is used to describe the origin of the films that are appreciated globally.

Je voudrais voyager en Amérique pour apprendre l'anglais américain.

English translation of Je voudrais voyager en Amérique pour apprendre l'anglais américain.

I would like to travel to America to learn American English.

In this sentence, the person has an interest in travelling to the USA to learn the American variant of English.

L'American Dream est un thème récurent dans la littérature américaine.

English translation of L'American Dream est un thème récurent dans la littérature américaine.

The American Dream is a recurring theme in American literature.

This sentence is highlighting how the concept of 'The American Dream' frequently appears in American literature.

Il a appris à jouer au football américain pendant ses années de collège.

English translation of Il a appris à jouer au football américain pendant ses années de collège.

He learned to play American football during his college years.

This refers to someone learning to play American football, which is a sport distinct from what is known as soccer in America, in their college years.

C'est une entreprise américaine.

English translation of C'est une entreprise américaine.

It's an American company.

This sentence is used to state that the company in question is based in or originates from the United States.

Nous avons embauché un professeur d'anglais américain pour améliorer notre accent.

English translation of Nous avons embauché un professeur d'anglais américain pour améliorer notre accent.

We hired an American English teacher to improve our accent.

Here, the person speaking has hired a teacher who specializes in American English in order to perfect their American accent.

Les voitures américaines sont célèbres pour leur taille.

English translation of Les voitures américaines sont célèbres pour leur taille.

American cars are famous for their size.

This sentence describes American cars, commonly known to be larger in size, as being renowned for this characteristic.

Il a un accent américain distinct.

English translation of Il a un accent américain distinct.

He has a distinct American accent.

This sentence refers to someone having a clearly noticeable American accent when they speak. This can be used to denote that the speaker's primary language is likely American English.

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