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English translation of affaires


The French word 'affaires' directly translates to 'business' in English. It is often used in similar contexts as it is in English - to talk about trade, commerce, or a particular professional field. However, like in English, it can also have other interpretations based on the context. Importantly, remember that in French, most nouns are accompanied by a definite or indefinite article.

Example sentences using: affaires

Je m'occupe de mes propres affaires.

English translation of Je m'occupe de mes propres affaires.

I mind my own business.

This phrase uses 'affaires' in the context of personal matters or business that one tends to handle or oversee. It's an idiomatic expression similar to the English 'mind one's own business'.

Cette affaire est très sérieuse.

English translation of Cette affaire est très sérieuse.

In this phrase, 'affaires' is used as a synonymous for a matter or an issue. It underscores the seriousness of the situation.


Il est en plein dans les affaires.

English translation of Il est en plein dans les affaires.

He is deep into business.

This phrase uses 'affaires' to imply business or entrepreneurial activities. It describes someone fully engaged in or committed to his business ventures.

Les affaires sont les affaires.

English translation of Les affaires sont les affaires.

Business is business.

In this phrase, 'les affaires' is used to suggest business operations or occupations. It puts emphasis on the idea of professionalism and separation of personal feelings from business engagements.

Nous parlons des affaires de l’État.

English translation of Nous parlons des affaires de l’État.

We are talking about state affairs.

In this phrase, 'affaires' is used to signify matters pertaining to the state or government. It includes discussions around policies, rules, and regulations of state governance.

Les affaires vont bien cette année.

English translation of Les affaires vont bien cette année.

Business is going well this year.

This phrase uses 'affaires' to refer to business operations or performance. It illustrates a business scenario that is prospering or doing well.

Il est impliqué dans des affaires louches.

English translation of Il est impliqué dans des affaires louches.

He is involved in shady business.

This phrase uses 'affaires' to suggest illegal or unethical business dealings. It conveys the message that someone is part of dubious or suspicious activities.

Je vais trier mes affaires.

English translation of Je vais trier mes affaires.

I'm going to sort out my stuff.

In this case, 'affaires' is a synonym for belongings or stuff. It's often used in a casual context such as sorting out one's personal belongings.

Laisser ses affaires aux autres après sa mort.

English translation of Laisser ses affaires aux autres après sa mort.

Leaving one's affairs to others after their death.

Here, 'affaires' could mean either business interests or personal matters that needs to be dealt with after someone's demise. It's generally associated with inheritance or legacy.

Je prends soin de mes affaires de famille.

English translation of Je prends soin de mes affaires de famille.

I take care of my family matters.

In this phrase, 'affaires' is used to refer to all family related issues or concerns. It indicates someone's responsibility or role within a family context.

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