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English translation of adoration


The word 'adoration' in French is equivalent to 'worship' in English. It's predominantly used in reference to the act of expressing love, adoration, and respect for a deity. However, it can also refer to an intense admiration or love for someone or something. It is widely used in religious contexts.

Example sentences using: adoration

J'ai une adoration pour la musique classique.

English translation of J'ai une adoration pour la musique classique.

I have an adoration for classical music.

In this sentence, 'adoration' is translated as 'adoration', and is used to express a strong love or passion for something, in this case, classical music.

Elle a une adoration sans limite pour les étoiles.

English translation of Elle a une adoration sans limite pour les étoiles.

She has an unlimited adoration for the stars.

The phrase 'une adoration sans limite' means limitless adoration and signifies an extreme love or fascination for something, here referring to stars.

Il nourrit une adoration pour le chocolat.

English translation of Il nourrit une adoration pour le chocolat.

He nurtures an adoration for chocolate.

The verb 'nourrit' (nurtures) indicates maintaining or encouraging a strong affection or love, referred to as 'adoration' here, for something, in this case, chocolate.

Leur adoration pour la nature était palpable.

English translation of Leur adoration pour la nature était palpable.

Their adoration for nature was palpable.

Here, 'adoration' refers to a strong or profound love. Therefore, their strong love for nature was so evident it could almost be felt.

J'éprouve une adoration pour la lecture.

English translation of J'éprouve une adoration pour la lecture.

I have an adoration for reading.

The verb 'éprouve' (feel or experience) suggests a strong emotional reaction to something loved or adored, in this case reading.

Il a déclaré son adoration pour la danse contemporaine.

English translation of Il a déclaré son adoration pour la danse contemporaine.

He declared his adoration for contemporary dance.

Here, 'adoration' signifies a revealed or announced strong affection or passionate love for something, in this instance, contemporary dance.

Ils partagent une adoration commune pour la mode.

English translation of Ils partagent une adoration commune pour la mode.

They share a common adoration for fashion.

In this sentence, the 'adoration commune' (common adoration) means a mutual strong liking or love for something, in this case, fashion.

Mon adoration pour le cinéma ne connaît pas de limites.

English translation of Mon adoration pour le cinéma ne connaît pas de limites.

My adoration for cinema knows no bounds.

The phrase 'ne connaît pas de limites' (knows no bounds) indicates an limitless or boundless love or passion for something, here referring to cinema.

Son adoration pour les livres anciens est bien connue.

English translation of Son adoration pour les livres anciens est bien connue.

His adoration for old books is well-known.

In this context, 'adoration' signifies a highly recognized or acknowledged love or passion for something, particularly old books in this case.

L'adoration qu'elle éprouve pour les voyages est profonde.

English translation of L'adoration qu'elle éprouve pour les voyages est profonde.

The adoration she feels for travelling is profound.

In this case, 'adoration' is combined with 'éprouve', meaning feels, indicating a deep love and passion for something, in this case, travelling.

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