In French, the word 'action' is used similarly to its usage in English by referring to the act of doing something or a thing done. It can be used in various contexts such as in movies and films (action movie), in sports (action in a game), and in finance (action - stock). Just like in English, it can also be used to describe the process of doing something to achieve something else.
This action makes no sense
This sentence can be used when someone's behavior or choice is difficult to understand or justify.
The action takes place in Paris
This phrase can be used when referring to a story or movie and you're describing the setting of the main events.
He took a decisive action
This sentence is usually used to describe someone who has made an important decision and followed it up with a definitive action.
I like the action in this movie
This sentence is used when expressing an appreciation for the exciting or adventurous events in a movie.
We must act, action is necessary
This phrase is used when emphasizing the importance of moving from talking or planning to actual doing.
It is an act of charity
This phrase could be used when describing a kind, altruistic act.
The action of the water on the rocks is impressive
This sentence can be used when observing and describing the erosive impact that water can have over time on solid rock.
He is known for his political action
This phrase can refer to someone who is well-known or influential due to their political activities or initiatives.
Action is more eloquent than words
This sentence communicates a common belief that actions show one's intentions or feelings more accurately than mere words.
He planned every action in advance
This sentence signifies someone who is highly organized and meticulous, as they have planned every step or action ahead of time.