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à travers

English translation of à travers


The French term for 'through' is 'à travers'. It is used in the same context as in English. For instance, when indicating movement from one side to another, or expressing time or intensity. Like doing something 'à travers la journée' which means 'throughout the day'. It can also denote means of accomplishing something. However, It's important to note that prepositions can be tricky in French and sometimes 'through' can be translated differently based on the context.

Example sentences using: à travers

Elle marchait à travers le parc chaque matin.

English translation of Elle marchait à travers le parc chaque matin.

She walked through the park every morning.

This phrase highlights the use of 'à travers' to indicate movement from one side of an enclosed or bounded area to the other, in this case a park.

Il a vu son avenir à travers ses rêves.

English translation of Il a vu son avenir à travers ses rêves.

He saw his future through his dreams.

'À travers' is being used here in a slightly metaphorical sense to denote obtaining insight or vision via an abstract or non-physical medium like dreams.

L'oiseau volait à travers le ciel.

English translation of L'oiseau volait à travers le ciel.

The bird was flying through the sky.

In this sentence, 'à travers' is used to denote movement across a wide-open area, in this case, the sky.

Ils ont joué à travers les saisons.

English translation of Ils ont joué à travers les saisons.

They played throughout the seasons.

This example demonstrates the use of 'à travers' to indicate consistency or persistence over a period of time or an event that repeats, such as seasons.

Le chat courut à travers la salle.

English translation of Le chat courut à travers la salle.

The cat ran across the room.

'À travers' signifies movement in an enclosed or bounded space, giving the sense of going from one end to the other.

Nous devons travailler à travers nos différences.

English translation of Nous devons travailler à travers nos différences.

We have to work through our differences.

Here, 'à travers' implies dealing with or overcoming obstacles or conflicts in order to reach a resolution.

La lumière brille à travers le verre.

English translation of La lumière brille à travers le verre.

The light shines through the glass.

'À travers' is used to denote the passage or movement of light through a medium, such as glass.

Il voyageait à travers le monde.

English translation of Il voyageait à travers le monde.

He was traveling around the world.

In this sentence, 'à travers' refers to movement across or throughout a large area indicating extensive travel.

Il a appris la vérité à travers ses erreurs.

English translation of Il a appris la vérité à travers ses erreurs.

He learned the truth through his mistakes.

In this instance, 'à travers' indicates achieving an understanding or knowledge by way of personal experience or missteps.

Tu peux voir les étoiles à travers la fenêtre.

English translation of Tu peux voir les étoiles à travers la fenêtre.

You can see the stars through the window.

The phrase 'à travers' in this context means being able to visually perceive something by looking through a transparent surface or an opening.

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