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à part

English translation of à part


The French phrase 'à part' is used to express the concept of something being aside or separate from something else. It can also be used to describe something that is exceptional or out of the ordinary. For example, 'Il a une chambre à part' means 'He has a separate room.' The phrase can also be used in a more abstract sense, such as 'C'est un cas à part' which means 'It's a special case.' In English, 'aside' can also be used to mean 'beside' or 'to one side,' but in French, 'à côté' is used for this meaning.

Example sentences using: à part

À part toi, personne ne le sait.

English translation of À part toi, personne ne le sait.

Apart from you, no one knows it.

This phrase shows the use of 'à part' to mean 'except for' or 'aside from'. In this context, it is used to include an exception in the statement that follows, stating that nobody except the person mentioned knows it.

Je n'ai rien à faire à part attendre.

English translation of Je n'ai rien à faire à part attendre.

I have nothing to do apart from wait.

This usage of 'à part' represents 'other than' or 'apart from'. Here, the speaker has nothing to do other than waiting, declaring a simple fact of their activities at the moment.

À part le café, il n'aime pas boire chaud.

English translation of À part le café, il n'aime pas boire chaud.

Apart from coffee, he doesn't like to drink hot.

In this phrase, 'à part' is used to signify 'aside from' or 'except for' to point out an exception. The person in this sentence doesn't like to drink anything hot except coffee.

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