French French Written Correspondents

Learn French faster with the most commonly used Written Correspondents.

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The French word for 'paper' is 'papier'. It is used in a similar context as in English, referring to the material used for writing, drawing, or printing on. It can also refer to a piece of paper, like a document or newspaper. For example, 'un papier' could mean a sheet of paper or a document, while 'du papier' could refer to paper as a material.

Example sentences with  papier →

Recevoir is the French equivalent of the English word 'receive'. It's commonly used in conversational and written French. This verb is used to indicate the action of receiving something, such as an item or a service. For example, 'Je vais recevoir une lettre demain', which means 'I will receive a letter tomorrow'. Keep in mind that this is an irregular verb, so pay close attention to its different forms.

Example sentences with  recevoir →

The French word for respond is 'répond'. It is used in the same context as in English, to reply or answer in response to something. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts. However, depending on the tense and the subject of the sentence, the ending of the verb might change according to French grammar rules.

Example sentences with  répond →
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