French French Verbs

Collection of French verbs, including conjugations, usage examples and related vocabulary.


The French word for respond is 'répond'. It is used in the same context as in English, to reply or answer in response to something. It can be used in both formal and informal contexts. However, depending on the tense and the subject of the sentence, the ending of the verb might change according to French grammar rules.

Example sentences with  répond

The French word 'repos' is used in the same context as the English word 'rest'. It can be used to indicate a period of relaxation or sleep, where no work is done or the cessation of motion or activity. For example, 'Je suis fatigué, j'ai besoin de repos.' translates to, 'I am tired, I need some rest.'

Example sentences with  repos

The French word for 'represent' is 'représenter'. It is mostly used in similar contexts as in English, including to depict in art, to symbolize something, or to stand in place for someone or something. For instance, it can be used when talking about a lawyer representing a client ('Un avocat qui représente un client') or a symbol representing a concept ('Un symbole qui représente un concept').

Example sentences with  représenter

The French word for 'network' is 'réseau'. This can refer to networks of all sorts, including a computer network (réseau d'ordinateurs), a social network (réseau social), or a television network (réseau de télévision). Similar to English, it can also denote a system of interconnected things or people. In French, you might use it in the sentence 'Je fais partie d'un grand réseau de professionnels' which translates to 'I am part of a large professional network'.

Example sentences with  réseau

The French word 'ressentir' is used very similarly to the English word 'feel'. It refers to experiencing certain emotions or physical sensations. Like in English, 'ressentir' is used in a large variety of contexts and can be connected with a multitude of emotions or sensations. For example, 'Je ressens de la tristesse' translates to 'I feel sadness.'

Example sentences with  ressentir

The French word 'rester' translates to 'stay' in English. It is used similarly as in English, usually followed by a place to indicate that someone or something remains in one location. Meanwhile, it can also be used in a context to mean 'to continue to be' or 'to remain' in a particular state or condition.

Example sentences with  rester

The French word 'résultat' is used in the same context as 'result' in English. It refers to the outcome of an event, procedure, or experiment. Its plural is 'résultats'. Example: Le résultat de l'examen est positif. which translates to The result of the exam is positive.

Example sentences with  résultat

The French word 'retourner' translates to 'return' in English. It is a common verb that can be used in various contexts in the French language. One can use it to return to a location (Je retourne à Paris.' - 'I return to Paris.') or to return an item (Je vais retourner ce chemisier. – I am going to return this blouse).

Example sentences with  retourner

The French word 'revendiquer' is equivalent to the English word 'claim'. It is used to express the affirmation of one's right to or ownership of something. It can also refer to an assertion of the truth of something, typically without providing evidence or proof. Just like in English, it can be used in various contexts such as legal, insurance, personal or social situations.

Example sentences with  revendiquer

The French equivalent for 'laugh' is 'rire'. This word can be used in various contexts just like in English. For instance, 'He makes me laugh' would be 'Il me fait rire' in French. But remember, in different tenses, the word 'rire' changes its form.

Example sentences with  rire

The French word 'risque' is used similarly to the English word 'risk'. It refers to a situation involving exposure to danger or harm. It can be used in various contexts, such as in business to describe a risky investment, in adventure sports to describe a risky maneuver, or in daily life to describe any situation that entails potential danger. Just like in English, the word 'risque' is also used metaphorically to illustrate taking chances in life.

Example sentences with  risque
s'il vous plaît

The French word 's'il vous plaît' literally translates as 'if it pleases you'. It is used in the same way as 'please' is used in English. Generally, it is put at the end of a request or question to make it polite. However, in informal situations, 's'il te plaît' (if it pleases you, informal) can be used. Also, it can be used in different contexts to say 'you're welcome' in response to 'thank you'.

Example sentences with  s'il vous plaît

The French word for season is 'saison'. It is mainly used to refer to the four periods of the year (spring, summer, autumn and winter) and can also be used in the context of fruits or vegetables to refer to their growing or harvesting period. Unlike in English, the 'saison' is not used to refer to parts of a TV series.

Example sentences with  saison
to jump

The word 'sauter' is a regular French verb that means 'to jump'. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as 'Il aime sauter' (He likes to jump), or 'Nous allons sauter' (We are going to jump). It operates the same as its English counterpart and is used in a variety of physical and sports-related contexts.

Example sentences with  sauter

In French, 'sauvegarder' is how you say 'save'. It is typically used in the context of storing or preserving something for future use - just like 'save' in English. For instance, you might use 'sauvegarder' to talk about saving a document or file on a computer, or preserving memories for later. It's fairly simple to use, as it typically fits into sentences in the same way as its English equivalent.

Example sentences with  sauvegarder

The French word for 'know' is 'savoir'. It is typically used to indicate knowledge or familiarity with something. It can often be seen in phrases like 'Je sais' (I know), or 'Tu sais?' (You know?). The usage can vary based on context and the grammatical structure of the sentence.

Example sentences with  savoir
se produire

The French phrase 'se produire' corresponds to the English word 'occur'. It is most often used to refer to something taking place or happening, especially events, incidents, or phenomena. For example, 'Cet incident s’est produit hier,' which means 'This incident occurred yesterday.' Like 'occur' in English, 'se produire' is used primarily in formal or written contexts.

Example sentences with  se produire
se souvenir

The French phrase 'se souvenir' translates to 'remember' in English. It is used in French just like we use 'remember' in English. The verb is reflexive and requires the use of a reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nous, vous). For instance, 'Je me souviens de toi' - I remember you.

Example sentences with  se souvenir
se tenir

The French word 'se tenir' translates to 'stand' in English. It is typically used to describe the act of maintaining an upright position supported by one's feet or the act of being situated in a particular place or position. For example, 'Je me tiens devant toi' means 'I stand before you'. This verb is reflexive, meaning it reflects the action back onto the subject.

Example sentences with  se tenir

In French, the word 'section' retains the same spelling. It encapsulates the same understanding, referring to a part of a whole, often used in the context of a division of a document, organization, or place, amongst other things that can be divided or segmented. Example of its French use can be, 'Cette section du livre est très importante'.

Example sentences with  section

The word 'selon' in French is used similarly to 'according' in English. It serves as a preposition and typically precedes a noun or pronoun to indicate the source of some information or to convey agreement with a stated perspective. For example, 'Selon le professeur, il va pleuvoir demain' translates to 'According to the professor, it will rain tomorrow'.

Example sentences with  selon

The French word for 'seem' is 'sembler'. It is generally used in the same context as in English, to be used to give a feeling or impression about something. For example, 'it seems like it might rain today' translates to 'il semble qu'il pourrait pleuvoir aujourd'hui'. It is important to note that 'sembler' is a verb, so it changes form with different subjects and tenses.

Example sentences with  sembler

The French word 'sens' has the same essential meaning as 'sense' in English, and it has multiple uses. It can be used to refer to one of the five human senses, similar to English. For instance, 'Je perds le sens du goût.' meaning 'I am losing sense of taste.'. Additionally, like its English counterpart, 'sens' could also refer to a direction or a meaning. Therefore, learners should take note of the context to understand the exact meaning of 'sens'.

Example sentences with  sens

In French, the future tense of the verb 'être' (to be) would be used to translate 'will'. Specifically, 'sera' is used when talking about he/she/it will be. However, please note that 'will' can also be translated differently in French depending on its use in the context.

Example sentences with  sera

In French, 'service' also means 'service.' However, it is used not just for denoting a helpful act but also for terms specific in certain contexts. For example, it's used in the context of restaurant (meal service), tennis (service), military (military service), and in the principle of providing service like a service charge.

Example sentences with  service

The French word 'servir' represents the English word 'serve'. It is used in the same context as in English, for serving food or serving a purpose. It can be used in different tenses based on the context of the sentence.

Example sentences with  servir

The French word for 'seat' is 'siège'. It is used in the same way as in English, to refer to something on which one can sit. It can be used for anything from a chair at a dinner table ('siège à la table') to a seat in a car ('siège de voiture'). It is also used metaphorically to refer to the place where something is located or based, such as a company headquarters ('siège social').

Example sentences with  siège

The French word for 'care' is 'soin'. Similar to English, 'soin' can be used in various contexts. It can refer to the action of taking care of someone or something, as in 'prendre soin de'. It can also mean the attention or concern one shows towards something or someone. Lastly, in a medical context it can refer to treatment or therapy. It is a noun, and its pronunciation is similar to the English word 'swan'.

Example sentences with  soin

The French word for 'sound' is 'son'. It is used in the same way as it is in English, to refer to any noise, musical or otherwise, that you hear. For example, 'J'aime le son de la pluie' means 'I like the sound of the rain'. However, be careful of the masculine or feminine form as it can change the meaning. 'Son' also can be a possessive adjective translates into 'his/her'.

Example sentences with  son

The word 'souhait' is used in French in similar ways as 'wish' is used in English. It can denote a hope or desire for something to happen or be the case. 'Souhait' can be used in both formal and informal contexts. An example of its usage in sentence: 'Je souhaite visiter la France un jour' means 'I wish to visit France one day'.

Example sentences with  souhait
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