French French Verbs

Collection of French verbs, including conjugations, usage examples and related vocabulary.


The French verb 'partir' stands for 'leave' in English. It can be used in several contexts such as when someone is departing from a location, or sometimes used figuratively to say goodbye. Just like other French verbs, it should be conjugated according to the subject and tense.

Example sentences with  partir

The French word 'passer' is primarily used in the same way as the English word 'pass'. It can refer to the act of passing a physical object, passing by or through a location, or passing a point in time. Please note that the use of 'passer' can also vary depending on the context of the sentence or phrase.

Example sentences with  passer

The French word 'penser' is used in very similar contexts to the English word 'think'. It can be used to express personal thoughts or opinions, ponder or consider something, or it can be used to imply intention to perform a particular action. Like its English counterpart, 'penser' can be coupled with many prepositions to articulate varying shades of nuances.

Example sentences with  penser

The French word 'perdre' is a verb that translates to 'lose' in English. It is utilized mainly to denote the act of misplacing something or failing to win in a competition. Apart from its primary implication, it could also imply losing track or getting lost. For instance, 'J'ai perdu mon stylo' would mean 'I lost my pen' and 'J'ai perdu la course' would mean 'I lost the race'.

Example sentences with  perdre

The French word 'permettre' is the equivalent of 'allow' in English. It's primarily used to give or grant permission for something or someone to do something. It can sometimes also denote the concept of making something possible or enabling something. Like English, the verb 'permettre' is often followed by an infinitive verb in a sentence.

Example sentences with  permettre

The French word for lead is 'plomb'. It is used in French in exactly the same contexts as in English, typically to refer to a heavy, soft, malleable, grayish-blue metallic element that is resistant to corrosion. The French word 'plomb' can also refer to the act of guidance or direction which is 'conduire' in French. Therefore, be careful with the context the word is being used.

Example sentences with  plomb

The word 'poisson' in French is used similarly to the English 'fish'. You can use it to refer to the animals that live in water, the act of fishing, and also for the dish cooked with fish as an ingredient.

Example sentences with  poisson

The French word 'porter' is used to mean 'wear'. Just like in English, it is used to reference the act of having something on your body as a covering, adornment, or protection. For example, if one is wearing a jacket in French, you would say 'il/elle porte une veste'. Remember, the verb 'porter' needs to be conjugated according to the subject it is associated with.

Example sentences with  porter

The French word 'pousser' is used to denote the English term 'push'. It can be utilized in a similar manner in sentences, especially in contexts involving physical actions. However, it might not always apply to metaphorical contexts. Hence, understanding its placement in sentences is important which can be achieved through ample practice.

Example sentences with  pousser

The French word for 'practice' is 'pratique'. It can be used in a variety of contexts, similar to the English usage, such as talking about a habit, custom, or routine (e.g. 'c'est une pratique courante' means 'it's a common practice'), to refer to practicing a skill (e.g. 'la pratique du piano' means 'practicing the piano'), or in a medical context (e.g. 'pratique médicale' means 'medical practice'). As with English, the French word 'pratique' can shift between these different meanings depending on context.

Example sentences with  pratique

The French word for 'take' is 'prendre'. It is widely used and versatile in French dialogues and texts. 'Prendre' is often used in the same contexts as the word 'take' in English. However, the meaning of 'prendre' sometimes changes based on the preposition that follows it. It also forms the base of many French phrases and idiomatic expressions.

Example sentences with  prendre

The French translation for 'concern' is 'préoccupation'. It is used in much the same way as it is in English, to indicate worry or interest in something or someone. It can be used in the context of personal worries (e.g. 'ma plus grande préoccupation est ma santé' which means 'my biggest concern is my health') or in the context of expressing interest or involvement in a matter (e.g. 'c'est une préoccupation pour moi' which means 'it's a concern to me').

Example sentences with  préoccupation

The French word 'préparer' corresponds to the English verb 'prepare'. It is commonly used in many contexts such as preparing food (préparer à manger), preparing for a trip (préparer un voyage), etc. The base form of the verb is 'préparer', but French verbs conjugate according to the tense, mood, and the subject of the sentence.

Example sentences with  préparer

The word 'présent' in French is directly equivalent to the English word 'present'. It is used in a variety of contexts, such as referring to someone being physically present at a location, or to describe the present moment in time. However, just like in English, the context and surrounding sentence structure can potentially alter the meaning of the word.

Example sentences with  présent

The French word for 'pressure' is 'pression'. It can be used in various contexts, just like in English. For example, it can denote physical pressure, such as atmospheric pressure ('pression atmosphérique'), or metaphorical pressure, such as work pressure ('pression au travail'). It is pronounced as 'pre-ssion' in French. Like its English counterpart, it is a common term used in everyday conversation, in scientific contexts, as well as idiomatic expressions.

Example sentences with  pression

The French word for 'ready' is 'prêt'. It is used similarly to its English counterpart, describing a state of readiness or preparedness. For example, you might say 'Je suis prêt', which translates to 'I am ready' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as readiness to leave (prêt à partir), ready to eat (prêt à manger), or ready for school (prêt pour l'école).

Example sentences with  prêt

The French word for evidence is 'preuve'. It can be used in either a legal context to mean 'proof' or 'evidence', or in a more casual context to suggest that something serves as proof of something else. Similar to English, it can be used in a variety of situations and its meaning often depends on context.

Example sentences with  preuve

The term 'processus' in French corresponds to 'process' in English. It is used in various contexts including scientific, legal, and conversational. It means a series of actions or steps towards a particular end. For instance, 'processus de pensée' translates to 'think process' and 'processus de fabrication' means 'manufacturing process'. Use this word in the same context as you would use 'process' in English.

Example sentences with  processus

The French word for 'produce' is 'produire'. It is used in a similar context as in English, specifically referring to the action of making, creating, or manufacturing something. However, it does not carry the same connotation when referring to fruits or vegetables (which is another meaning of 'produce' in English).

Example sentences with  produire

The term 'projet' is used in French just like 'project' in English. It refers to an intended or proposed scheme or plan. It can be used in various contexts including but not limited to scientific, business, academic and personal. For example, 'Je travaille sur un nouveau projet' translates to 'I'm working on a new project'. Note the slight pronunciation difference: 'pro-jay'.

Example sentences with  projet

The French word for protect is 'protéger'. It is used similarly as in English to refer to the act of defending or shielding from harm. For example, 'Nous devons protéger l'environnement' means 'We must protect the environment'. It can be used in various contexts including physical protection, environmental causes or personal values.

Example sentences with  protéger

The French word 'prouver' is used similar to the English word 'prove'. It is used to demonstrate the truth or existence of something by evidence or argument. For example: 'Ils ne peuvent pas prouver leur innocence.' translates to 'They cannot prove their innocence.'

Example sentences with  prouver

The term 'raison' in French translates to 'reason' in English. It can be used in a variety of contexts in French, such as philosophical debates, logical discussions, or casual conversations. It is used to express the cause, explanation, or justification of an action or event, similar to its English counterpart.

Example sentences with  raison

The French word 'réaliser' is similar to English's 'realize', but has a broader range of use. 'Réaliser' is often used to express the idea of understanding a concept, similar to 'realize' (J'ai réalisé qu'elle avait raison - I realized she was right). However, it can also mean carry out or accomplish, as in the case of a task or goal (J'ai réalisé mon rêve - I achieved my dream). So it is important to consider the context when translating 'réaliser'.

Example sentences with  réaliser

Recevoir is the French equivalent of the English word 'receive'. It's commonly used in conversational and written French. This verb is used to indicate the action of receiving something, such as an item or a service. For example, 'Je vais recevoir une lettre demain', which means 'I will receive a letter tomorrow'. Keep in mind that this is an irregular verb, so pay close attention to its different forms.

Example sentences with  recevoir

The French word 'reconnaître' corresponds to 'recognize' in English. This is a regularly used verb in the French language. It is generally used to express the act of remembering, confirming the identity of something or admitting the truth or existence of something. For example, Je reconnais cette maison, which translates to, I recognize this house.

Example sentences with  reconnaître

The French word for 'reduce' is 'réduire'. It is a verb used in similar contexts as in English such as reducing size, quantity, quality, etc. For instance, 'Je vais réduire le sucre dans mon café' means 'I will reduce the sugar in my coffee'. It can also be used to express the idea of simplifying a difficult or complex situation.

Example sentences with  réduire

The French word 'regarder' equates to 'look' in English. It is commonly used when asking someone to examine or gaze at something or someone. Regardless of the context, whether instructing, requesting or merely suggesting, French speakers use 'regarder' to command one's attention visually, in the same manner that 'look' is used in English.

Example sentences with  regarder

The word 'remplir' in French means 'fill' in English. This verb is used in French much as it is in English, to indicate the action of making something full. This can refer to filling physical objects, like a cup or a tank with water, or non-physical things, like filling a form or a duty. It is a versatile word used in a variety of contexts.

Example sentences with  remplir

The French word 'rencontrer' translates to 'meet' in English. It's used when you wish to say that you're meeting someone, arranging an encounter or happening to come across someone or something. It can be used in a variety of contexts, similarly to how 'meet' is used in English.

Example sentences with  rencontrer
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