French French Verbs

Collection of French verbs, including conjugations, usage examples and related vocabulary.


The term 'lutte' translates to 'fight' in English and is used broadly equivalent to 'fight' in English. It can be used to describe a physical confrontation between two people, a struggle or a battle. For instance, in a sentence, 'Il a rejoint la lutte contre le cancer', translates to 'He joined the fight against cancer'. It illustrates how 'lutte' can be used to represent a fight or struggle.

Example sentences with  lutte

The French word for 'house' is 'maison'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to a building for habitation by people. In most cases, a 'maison' is a free-standing structure, as opposed to an apartment or flat ('appartement' in French).

Example sentences with  maison

The word 'majeur' in French translates directly as 'major' in English. It can be used in many contexts same as in English such as referring to someone of a legal age (major en droit), importance of something (rôle majeur) or for denoting a large scale (en majeur). As with many words, the specific usage is context-dependent.

Example sentences with  majeur

The French verb for 'miss' is 'manquer.' In French, you would use this word in a slightly different way than in English. For example, 'you are missed by me' would translate in French to 'tu me manques.' Similarly, 'I miss my mom' translates to 'ma maman me manque.' Besides missing a person, 'manquer' can also be used to express missing out on an event or thing.

Example sentences with  manquer

The French word for market is 'marché', pronounced (mar-shay). It is used in the same context as in English, referring to a physical area where buyers and sellers meet to exchange goods and services, or describing the theoretical economic concept of the demand and supply relations between producers and consumers.

Example sentences with  marché

The French term for 'walk' is 'marcher'. It is a common verb mainly used to refer to the act of walking. It can be used in a variety of contexts similar to English - from literal walking to expressing the functionality of something. For example, 'Je marche dans le parc' means 'I walk in the park' and 'Ça marche?' is a casual way of asking if something works or if everything is okay.

Example sentences with  marcher

The French word for 'matter' is 'matière'. It is often used in the same contexts as in English - to refer to a substance or material, or to the subject or topic of something. However, unlike in English, 'matière' does not have an additional meaning related to importance or significance.

Example sentences with  matière

The word 'mention' in French remains the same as in English, 'mention'. Usage would be 'Elle a fait une mention spéciale de ton travail' that translates as 'She made a special mention of your work'. Just like in English, it can be used to reference or speak about something or someone briefly or indirectly.

Example sentences with  mention

The French equivalent of the English word 'thank' is 'merci'. It's used in the same context as in English, to express gratitude or acknowledgment. It's one of the most commonly used words in French and is universally understood among French speakers.

Example sentences with  merci

The French word 'merveille' is used in a similar way as wonder in English. It can denote a feeling of admiration and surprise caused by something beautiful, unexpected, or unfamiliar. Additionally, it can also refer to something astonishing or admirable, something that causes wonder. Just like in English, it can be used both as a noun (e.g., 'C'est une merveille' - 'It's a wonder') and as a verb (e.g., 'Je me merveille' - 'I wonder').

Example sentences with  merveille

The word 'minute' in French, just like in English, is used to quantify time. It represents the 60th part of an hour. However, it is pronounced differently as compared to English pronunciation. 'Minute' is pronounced as 'mi-noot' in French.

Example sentences with  minute

The French word 'montant' translates to 'amount' in English. It is commonly used in a variety of contexts and situations similar to the English 'amount'. For example, it is used when referring to the amount of money, the amount of time, the amount of material, etc., much like the English counterpart. Furthermore, it can be used in both formal and informal situations, maintaining its meaning across different scenarios.

Example sentences with  montant

The French word 'montrer' translates to 'show' in English. It can be used in various ways much like in English. For instance, it can be used to indicate or visually express something, to prove or demonstrate a fact, or an invitation for displaying a skill or talent. Remember that context is important as the usage might adjust slightly.

Example sentences with  montrer

The French word for 'word' is 'mot'. It is used the same way as in English, to represent a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed.

Example sentences with  mot

The French word for 'wall' is 'mur'. It's used in the same way as in English, to refer to a vertical structure that defines and sometimes protects an area. For instance, 'Le chat grimpe sur le mur' means 'The cat is climbing on the wall'.

Example sentences with  mur
to swim

The French verb 'nager' is used to express the action of swimming. 'Nager' is a regular '-er' verb and its conjugation follows the typical '-er' verb conjugation pattern. For instance, 'Je nage' means 'I swim' and 'Nous nagions' means 'We were swimming'.

Example sentences with  nager

The word 'niveau' is a French word which translates to 'level' in English. It is commonly used in various contexts, such as describing the level of a liquid in a container, a grade in an educational system, or the degree of quality or existence of a certain object or circumstance. For instance, in the phrase 'niveau d'éducation', it refers to the level of education.

Example sentences with  niveau

The French word 'noir' is used to describe the color black. It is used in the same way as in English. You can use it to describe objects, animals, or anything else that is black. For example, 'un chat noir' means 'a black cat'. It could also be used in a metaphorical sense, such as 'un humour noir' (a black humour).

Example sentences with  noir

The French word 'nom' translates to 'name' in English. It is typically used much in the same context as in English, to identify a person, place, or thing. It's important to note that unlike in English, where name is just a singular standalone concept, in French 'nom' can refer to both first name (prénom) and last name (nom de famille).

Example sentences with  nom

The French word 'nombre' is used in a similar context as it's English equivalent 'number'. It refers to a numerical or mathematical figure, has connotations in counting or counting systems, and can be used in broader context such as being synonymous to amount or quantity in certain scenarios. Note that when referring to a telephone 'number', the term 'numéro' is used instead.

Example sentences with  nombre

In French, 'note' has multiple meanings. It can refer to a 'note' as in a short written record, similar to its meaning in English. However, it can also refer to a 'grade' or 'mark' in an academic context, meaning the score a student receives on an assignment or exam. Therefore, it is important to consider the context when using this word.

Example sentences with  note

The word 'oeuf' is a masculine noun in French. It is used in the same context as 'egg' in English, referring to the oval or round object laid by a female bird, reptile, fish, or invertebrate. In the culinary context, it is used as a basic ingredient in many recipes.

Example sentences with  oeuf

The French word 'officier' is used to refer to an individual who holds a position of authority in the military or police force, very much like in English. For example, you can say 'Il est officier de police', which translates to 'He is a police officer'. Please note different branches of the military may have specific ranks and titles.

Example sentences with  officier

The French equivalent of 'option' is 'option'. It is used in the same context as in English, often relating to a choice or decision amongst several probable alternatives. It is a common word used in legal, business, and everyday discussions in French-speaking areas.

Example sentences with  option

The French term 'oublier' is a verb which translates to 'forget' in English. In French, it is used in a similar context as in English. For instance, 'J'ai oublié le livre à la maison' translates to 'I forgot the book at home'. The verb is commonly used in daily conversations, and much like English, it is adapted according to the tense and subject.

Example sentences with  oublier

The French word 'parent' similar to its English equivalent, is used to signify a mother or a father. It is a universal term that can be used in most contexts just as it is in English. It is also used in plural form, 'parents', to refer to both mother and father.

Example sentences with  parent

The French word for perfect, 'parfait', is used similarly to the English word 'perfect'. It can describe an object, person, or situation that is as good as it is possible to be. It is frequently used in everyday conversations and in various contexts. For example, you could use it to describe a test score (un score parfait), or the weather (un temps parfait). The word 'Parfait' is also used in the world of French cuisine to describe a type of frozen dessert.

Example sentences with  parfait

The French word 'parler' directly translates to 'talk' in English. It is a verb that is commonly used in French sentences to describe the act of speaking to someone or communicating through words. For example, 'Je parle avec mon professeur' translates to 'I am talking with my teacher'. It can be used in different contexts and tenses based on the situation.

Example sentences with  parler

The word 'partager' in French, translated to English as 'share', is used similarly as in English. It can be used to refer to the act of giving a portion of something to others, such as 'partager un repas' (share a meal). It can also describe sharing in a more abstract sense, like information or experiences.

Example sentences with  partager

The French word 'partie' means part in English. It's used to indicate a piece, section or portion of something. It can be used in various contexts, just like the English word part. For example, une partie du gateau would mean a part of the cake. It's pronounced as par-tee in French.

Example sentences with  partie
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