French French Verbs

Collection of French verbs, including conjugations, usage examples and related vocabulary.


The French word 'exiger' is used to express a strong need for something or to command something to be done. It is often used in formal or legal contexts and can be used interchangeably with words like 'demand' or 'necessitate'. It is typically followed by the object or action that is needed.

Example sentences with  exiger

The French verb 'exister' directly translates to the English verb 'exist'. It is most used when talking about the existence of someone or something in a literal or philosophical context. For example, 'Je pense, donc je suis' translates to 'I think, therefore I exist'. Do note that the usage of this word can depend on the context of the conversation.

Example sentences with  exister

The French word 'expliquer' is most aptly translated to 'explain' in English. It can be used in a number of contexts similar to its English equivalent. It is often used when providing a greater depth of information or giving answers about a specific subject or idea.

Example sentences with  expliquer

The French word 'faire' corresponds to the English word 'make'. It is one of the most common and versatile verbs in the French language and can be used in a wide variety of situations. In addition to meaning 'to make', 'faire' can also mean 'to do', depending on the context. For instance, when talking about creating something, 'faire' would translate to 'make', but when referring to an action (doing homework, for example), it would translate to 'do'. It's important to pay attention to the context in which 'faire' is used to understand the correct translation.

Example sentences with  faire

The French word 'feu' is used to describe fire in general, as well as instances such as being on fire ('en feu'). It is also used in figurative language to symbolize warmth, passion, or destructive potential, much like in English. However, it isn't used when you are firing a gun, for example ('tirer' would be used then).

Example sentences with  feu

The French word 'figure' is versatile and can be used in multiple contexts similar to English. It can mean 'figure' like a number, 'figure' as in a shape or a body, or even to 'figure out'. However, it might often be used as 'visage' to mean one's face. The exact interpretation of the word depends largely on its context within a sentence.

Example sentences with  figure

The French word 'finir' translates to 'finish' in English. It is used in various contexts, such as when a task is completed. Like in English, its context may be literal, as in finishing a meal (finir un repas), or more figurative, as in finishing a task (finir une tâche). It is also used in phrases such as 'finir par' which means 'end up'. The word is subject to conjugation based on tense and subject.

Example sentences with  finir

The French word 'forme' is used in the same way as it is in English. It can be used to denote physical shape, style or arrangement and it can also be a noun or verb, depending on context. For example, in a sentence, 'La lettre est dans une enveloppe de forme carrée' means 'The letter is in a square-shaped envelope'.

Example sentences with  forme

The French word 'garder' is used in a similar context as the English word 'keep'. It is utilized to express the act of holding onto or retaining something. For example, 'Je vais garder ce livre' translates to 'I will keep this book'. It's also used in other contexts such as to watch over or take care of, similar to 'keeping' a pet or 'keeping' an eye on something.

Example sentences with  garder

The French word 'gérer' is equivalent to the English term 'manage.' It can be used in various contexts such as managing a business or project, handling a situation or even administering resources. It is a versatile term that can also imply the sense of controlling or directing something for achieving desired outcomes.

Example sentences with  gérer

The term 'grandir' in French is used to express the idea of becoming larger or increasing in size, which could pertain to both physical and metaphorical growth. Just the same as in English, this term can be used to address a person’s growing in terms of age, knowledge, personal development and so on.

Example sentences with  grandir

The French word for 'free' is 'gratuit'. It is used much the same way as in English, to denote that something does not cost any money. For example, 'entrée gratuite' means 'free entrance'. However, it's important to note that 'gratuit' only refers to monetary free. If you're talking about 'free' as in freedom, the word would be 'libre'.

Example sentences with  gratuit

The French word 'groupe' is used in similar contexts as the English word 'group'. It could refer to a collection of people who come together for common purpose, such as 'groupe d'amis' (group of friends), or can also refer to categories or classification, such as 'groupe sanguin' (blood group). Remember to pronounce it with a French accent where the 'gr' is softened and 'oupe' is almost like 'up'.

Example sentences with  groupe

The French word 'horloge' translates to 'clock' in English. 'Horloge' is used to describe a device for measuring and indicating time, traditionally by means of pointers moving over a dial. It's used quite similarly in sentences as it would be in English.

Example sentences with  horloge

The French word 'identifier' is used similarly to the English word 'identify', it primarily refers to the action of establishing or indicating who or what someone or something is. It can be used in various contexts just like its English counterpart. For instance, in a sentence, 'J'ai réussi à identifier le problème', it means, 'I managed to identify the problem'.

Example sentences with  identifier

In French, 'image' is used much the same way as in English. It can refer to a picture, likeness, or representation of someone or something. It can be used in a variety of contexts, ranging from the literal sense of an actual, physical image to more metaphorical or abstract uses such as one's public persona or the way someone or something is perceived by others.

Example sentences with  image

In French, 'imagine' is used similarly to its use in English. It can be used to suggest a concept or idea which isn't real, dreamed up, or considered. It can also be used in conversation or writing to suggest a hypothetical scenario or situation.

Example sentences with  imagine

The French word 'impliquer' is used similarly to the English word 'involve.' It typically means to engage or implicate someone in an event, situation, or scheme. It can also be used to imply or suggest that something is the case. It is commonly used in everyday conversation and written language.

Example sentences with  impliquer

The French word for 'include' is 'inclure'. It is used in sentences much like the word 'include' is used in English. It is used to mean that something is a part of something else, or to comprise or contain as part of a whole. You use it when you want to mention something is part of a list or collection, or when you are incorporating something when doing something else.

Example sentences with  inclure

The French word 'indiquer' is equivalent to the english term 'indicate' usually used to show or point out something. Its usage can be found in various contexts such as to refer to the physical act of pointing or to suggest a course of action. Additionally, it is also used in the sense of signifying or denoting something.

Example sentences with  indiquer

The French word 'inquiétude' is used in the same context as 'worry' in English. It is often used to express concern or anxiety about something. Like 'worry', 'inquiétude' can be used either as a noun or as a verb (s'inquiéter) depending on the context.

Example sentences with  inquiétude

The French word 'intérêt' is used similarly to the English word 'interest.' It can refer to a feeling of wanting to know or learn about something or someone. Additionally, it can also refer to an advantage or benefit, or it can represent the monetary charge for the use of borrowed money. The context will usually make it clear which meaning is intended.

Example sentences with  intérêt

The word 'jeter' is a French verb that translates to 'throw' in English. It is usually used in the context of throwing something physically, like a ball or an object. It can also be used metaphorically, such as 'jeter un coup d'œil' meaning to 'throw a glance' or take a quick look.

Example sentences with  jeter

The word 'joindre' is a common French verb that translates to 'join' in English. It can be used in many contexts just like the word 'join'. For example, it can signify the act of meeting with people ('joindre des amis'), connecting two or more entities ('joindre deux morceaux de bois'), or reaching someone over a distance ('joindre par téléphone'). Remember, as a regular -re verb, 'joindre' has a specific conjugation pattern you should learn.

Example sentences with  joindre

The word 'jouer' means 'play' in French. This verb can be used in a variety of contexts, including playing a sport or a game ('jouer au football'), playing an instrument ('jouer du piano'), or play in the sense of acting in a theater ('jouer dans une pièce de théâtre'). It also can mean 'to gamble' ('jouer de l'argent'). Note, however, it does not translate all uses of 'play', as French often uses other verbs for more specific types of play.

Example sentences with  jouer

The French word for 'milk' is 'lait'. It is used in the same way as in English. For example, 'Je bois du lait' means 'I drink milk'.

Example sentences with  lait

The French term for 'release' is 'libération', the noun used when releasing someone from jail or a contract. It can also be used in the non-specific context when something is set free. Phrases can vary as 'mettre en libération conditionnelle' (to release on parole) or 'dater de libération' (release date). This term is widely used in French literary and daily conversation.

Example sentences with  libération

The French verb 'lire' means 'to read'. Just like in English, it can be used in several contexts such as reading a book, a sign, a map etc. It is an irregular verb and so, has different conjugations for different tenses and moods. For example, 'Il lit un livre' translates to 'He is reading a book'.

Example sentences with  lire

The French word 'liste' is used similarly to 'list' in English. It refers to a series of items written or printed systematically in a row. You can use it to refer to a grocery list ('Liste des courses'), a list of names ('Liste des noms'), or in any other context where you would use 'list' in English.

Example sentences with  liste

The French word for light is 'lumière'. It is used similarly to English, referring both to visible light and the concept of 'lightness'. However, do note that for colors, 'light' translates to 'clair', as in 'bleu clair' for light blue. When referring to weight, 'light' translates to 'léger'. 'Lumière' is mainly used when describing illumination or brightness.

Example sentences with  lumière
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