French French Verbs

Collection of French verbs, including conjugations, usage examples and related vocabulary.


The French word 'accepter' is used similarly as 'agree' in English. It is mainly used when you want to consent to a proposition or offer made by someone or accept an understanding. However, it can also express the idea of accepting or receiving things or people. Hence, although 'accepter' is not a direct counterpart of 'agree', it is used in most contexts to convey the meaning of agreement.

Example sentences with  accepter

The English word 'hang' translates to 'accrocher' in French. It's commonly used to express placing something so that it's attached to a wall, or to float in the air as in hanging a picture, or hanging a mobile. However, it is also used figuratively, like to hang on the phone. The context of the sentence often determines how it's used.

Example sentences with  accrocher

The French word for 'deal' is 'affaire'. It can be used in various contexts such as business/ transaction (Faire une affaire - Make a deal) or event/ situation (Quelle affaire! - What a mess!). It is important to be aware of the context to understand the exact meaning.

Example sentences with  affaire

The French word 'affecter' is the equivalent of the English word 'affect'. It is used as a verb in sentences and can refer to the act of influencing something or someone. Just like in English, it can be used in various contexts, including emotional, scientific, or general scenarios. For example, 'Cette nouvelle va l'affecter' means 'This news is going to affect him/her'.

Example sentences with  affecter

In French, 'help' translates to 'aide'. This word can be used in contexts where assistance or support is being provided. It can be used similar to how it is used in English, as a noun or verb, within a sentence. For example, 'J'ai besoin d'aide' translates to 'I need help'.

Example sentences with  aide

The French word 'apparaître' translates to 'appear' in English. It is primarily used to describe the act of becoming visible or the act of starting to be. It can be used in various contexts, such as in appearing in a place or at a particular time, appearing on a show, or making an appearance in a performance or public event. Like in English, it can also metaphorically denote appearing or becoming clear to the mind.

Example sentences with  apparaître

The French word 'appel' translates to 'call' in English. This can refer to a telephone call, a call for help, or the act of calling someone. It is used similarly in sentences as in English, and can also change slightly in pronunciation depending on the context or region in France.

Example sentences with  appel

The French word for 'apply' is 'appliquer'. It is used in similar contexts as in English, such as applying for jobs or applying cream to the skin. However, note that for the context of applying something you've learned, the verb 'utiliser' might be more appropriate. As always, correct usage is based on the nuances of the specific situation.

Example sentences with  appliquer

The French word 'apporter' is equivalent to the English word 'bring'. It is commonly used in many different contexts, much like its English counterpart. For instance, in a sentence 'Je vais apporter le gâteau à la fête', it translates to 'I will bring the cake to the party'. It is important to note that 'apporter' is used when referring to bringing an object or item.

Example sentences with  apporter

The French word 'apprécier' translates to 'enjoy' in English. It is typically used to express pleasure or satisfaction in a situation or about an item. For example, you could use it in sentences like 'J'apprécie le bon vin', which means 'I enjoy good wine'. It's also often used to mean appreciate.

Example sentences with  apprécier

In French, 'apprendre' is the verb used for learning. It can be used in various contexts such as learning a lesson (apprendre une leçon), learning to drive (apprendre à conduire), or learning a language (apprendre une langue). It is an irregular verb, and hence has different conjugation patterns. Be sure to use it in the appropriate context for effective communication.

Example sentences with  apprendre

The French word 'approche' is the equivalent of the English word 'approach'. In French, it can be used in similar ways as in English, such as describing the act or process of moving towards someone or something, or in the method used to complete a task. For example, 'Ma méthode d'approche pour apprendre une nouvelle langue est de pratiquer tous les jours' translates to 'My approach to learning a new language is to practice every day'.

Example sentences with  approche

The French word 'argumenter' is used to describe the act of presenting a set of reasons or evidence in a clear, logical way in support or against something. It is often used in the context of discussions and debates where one is expected to argue their point of view.

Example sentences with  argumenter

The French word 'arrêter' is used similarly to how 'stop' is used in English. It can be utilized to signify the cessation of an activity or to instruct someone to stop doing something. For example, 'Arrête de manger' translates to 'Stop eating'. It can also be used to express the act of arresting someone, as in 'arrêter un criminel' which means 'arrest a criminal'.

Example sentences with  arrêter

The French word 'arriver' translates to 'happen' in English. It is used to describe when something occurs or comes to pass, similarly to how 'happen' is used in English. For instance, 'Qu'est-ce qui est arrivé?' means 'What happened?'. It is also used in various contexts and expressions, making it an important word to learn in the French language.

Example sentences with  arriver

The French word 'attaque' is used primarily in the context of a physical or verbal assault, similar to the English word 'attack'. It can be used to refer to an act of aggressive action against someone or something. It can also refer to a critical or hostile comment.

Example sentences with  attaque

The French word 'atteindre' is used to express the action of reaching something or someone. It can be used in many different contexts, just like the English word 'reach'. For example, it can be used to discuss reaching a destination or a goal. It can also be used metaphorically, similar to how you might say 'reach a conclusion' in English.

Example sentences with  atteindre

The French word 'Attendre' is used to express the action of waiting. It is a verb and can be used in various contexts just like the English equivalent. For example, 'J'attends mon ami' means 'I wait for my friend'. It can also be used in the imperative form like 'Attends!' which means 'Wait!'.

Example sentences with  Attendre

The French word 'attraper' is used similar to how the English word 'catch' is used. It can mean to capture or grab someone or something physically. It can also be used metaphorically, like to catch a cold, you would say 'attraper un rhume'. Just like 'catch', 'attraper' is a versatile word in French.

Example sentences with  attraper

The French word 'augmenter' is equivalent to the English term 'raise'. It is usually used in the context of increasing something in quantity, size, quality, or strength like we do in English. For example, when discussing salary or wage increase, one might use 'augmenter'. However, in contexts where 'raise' is used to describe bringing up a child, the French term 'élever' is more appropriate. Nonetheless, its usage depends greatly on the context in which it is used.

Example sentences with  augmenter

In French, 'automne' refers to the season of fall or autumn. It's used in the same context as in English, to describe the period of the year between summer and winter when temperatures gradually decrease and leaves change color and fall off the trees.

Example sentences with  automne

The French verb 'avoir' corresponds to the English verb 'have'. However, 'avoir' is frequently used where 'be' is used in English as an auxiliary verb in various tenses and in expressions such as 'avoir faim' (to be hungry) and 'avoir besoin de' (to need).

Example sentences with  avoir

In French, 'base' is used in a similar context as in English, referring to the bottom support of anything or a concept that provides the foundation for something. It's used in various phrases and idiomatic expressions. For example, 'fractions de base' can be used to refer to basic fractions in math.

Example sentences with  base

The term 'besoin' in French translates to 'need' in English. It is most commonly used to express a necessity or requirement. It can be used in different contexts and combined with different verbs to express different types of needs. For example, 'J'ai besoin d'aide' translates to 'I need help'.

Example sentences with  besoin

In French, 'bien' is used in much the same way as 'well' is used in English. It is an adverb and can be used to qualify a verb, adjective, other adverb, or even an entire sentence. For instance, you can use 'bien' to say that you're doing well 'Je vais bien', something tastes good 'C'est bien', or to emphasize 'Très bien'. Note that, just like in English, it can serve a variety of roles depending on the context.

Example sentences with  bien

The French word 'bienvenue' is used in almost the same ways as 'welcome' in English. It can be used to greet someone in your home or place of work, to accept gratefully something that is offered, or to acknowledge someone's thanks.

Example sentences with  bienvenue

The French term 'blessé' corresponds with the English word 'hurt'. It could be utilized in different contexts such as when expressing physical pain or emotional damage. It could also refer to an injury. Similar to English, 'blessé' may change according to the number, gender, or formality, so be sure to use it correctly in a sentence.

Example sentences with  blessé

The word 'calendrier' is a masculine noun in French, used in the same contexts as the English word 'calendar'. For example, you can use it to refer to a system of timekeeping that defines the beginning, length, and divisions of a year.

Example sentences with  calendrier

The French equivalent for the English word 'career' is 'carrière'. It is used in a similar context, describing one's progression in their professional life. For example, 'Sa carrière en tant que médecin est très réussie' means 'His career as a doctor is very successful'. Like English, 'carrière' can be used in various contexts outside of just professional advancement, such as 'carrière musicale' (musical career).

Example sentences with  carrière

In French, 'chance' has a similar meaning to its English translation, often referring to luck or fortune. It can be used in a variety of contexts, though, such as in the phrase 'Bonne chance!' which means 'Good luck!' It's also used in certain expressions like 'par chance' meaning 'fortunately' or 'by chance.'

Example sentences with  chance
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