French French Vocabulary for Travel

Learn essential French words and phrases related to travel. Suitable for beginners travelling to French speaking regions.


The word 'déplacer' is used in French in a similar way as 'move' in English. It can refer to changing location or position, or causing something to change location or position. For example, 'Je vais déplacer la voiture' translates to 'I am going to move the car'. However, it's important to note that French, like English, has various words for different contexts of 'move', such as 'bouger' for less formal contexts.

Example sentences with  déplacer

In French, the word 'east' is translated as 'est'. It is used exactly like in English to refer to the cardinal direction. For example, in the phrase 'il vient de l'est' the translation would be 'he comes from the east'. It's simple to use and the pronunciation is very similar to the English version of the word.

Example sentences with  est

The word 'été' is used in French to represent the warmest season of the year, typically taking place from June to September in the Northern hemisphere. It is often used in the same context as in English, relating to vacations, outdoor activities, and long days. For example, 'J'aime l'été' translates to 'I love summer'.

Example sentences with  été

The French word for information is the same as it is in English - 'information'. This word is used in exactly the same way as it is in English, to refer to facts or details about a subject. It is used in both singular and plural context. For example, 'J'ai des informations à vous donner.'(I have some information to give you).

Example sentences with  information

The word 'route' in French translates to 'road' in English. It is chiefly used to denote a paved path for vehicles. It is part of many compound terms and expressions to talk about road conditions, directions, trips, etc.

Example sentences with  route
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