French French Trades

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The French word 'affaires' directly translates to 'business' in English. It is often used in similar contexts as it is in English - to talk about trade, commerce, or a particular professional field. However, like in English, it can also have other interpretations based on the context. Importantly, remember that in French, most nouns are accompanied by a definite or indefinite article.

Example sentences with  affaires →

In French, 'article' is exactly as it is in English - 'article'. It's used in a very similar way and refers to an account or analysis of a subject or a news report, usually presented in print or online media. It can be countable or uncountable, and can refer to an individual object or items within a group.

Example sentences with  article →

The word 'ligne' in French is used similar to how 'line' is used in English. It can refer to a physical line or to a line of text in a book. It also can refer to a line of thought, or a line on a graph. Depending on the context, it can have a variety of meanings, just like in English. Over time, it is important to learn how 'ligne' is used in different situations to fully understand its meaning.

Example sentences with  ligne →

'Ordre' is the French translation for 'order' and it is used in similar contexts as in English. It can be used to signify a sequence or arrangement, a request for some product or service, or a command given by someone in authority. But it's important to note that certain context-specific uses of 'order' in English may require different French translations. Always consider the sentence as a whole before deciding which French word to use.

Example sentences with  ordre →

The French translation for 'product' is 'produit'. It is used in a various contexts including mathematical, business, and usage in formal speech. It is important to note that 'produit' is a masculine noun in French language. For example, 'J'ai acheté ce produit en ligne.' translates to 'I bought this product online.'

Example sentences with  produit →

The French term 'taux' is equivalent to the English word 'rate'. It's used in many contexts such as mathematics, economics, and general usage, where it can mean proportion, ratio, or speed. For instance, 'taux de change' means 'exchange rate' in financial context, while in a general context 'taux de réussite' can mean 'success rate'. As with many words, it's usage often depends on the specific context.

Example sentences with  taux →

The French word for 'sell' is 'vendre'. It is commonly used in the same contexts as 'sell' in English. For example, you might use it when talking about selling items in a store, selling a car, or even in expressions like 'sell out' that figuratively mean to betray one's principles for personal gain. As with English, the word's form changes with tense. For example, 'Je vends' means 'I am selling' or 'I sell'.

Example sentences with  vendre →
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