French Pronoun Tag

Find a collection of French pronouns categorized under the pronoun tag. Enhance your French language learning journey.

à qui

The French translation for 'whose' is 'à qui'. It is a possessive pronoun used in questions. It can be used in both formal and informal situations in French. For example, 'à qui est cette voiture?' translates to 'whose car is this?'. Thus, it serves the same purpose as 'whose' in English but follows a slightly different structure in sentences.

Example sentences with  à qui

The French word for 'other' is 'autre'. It is used to refer to an alternate or remaining person or thing in French. 'Autre' can also often used in contexts to imply 'different'. For example, 'l'autre jour' means 'the other day', and 'une autre personne' means 'another person'. The use of 'autre' also changes according to the gender and number; 'autre' for singular and 'autres' for plural.

Example sentences with  autre

The French word 'beaucoup' translates to 'many' in English. It is typically used to denote a large quantity. 'Beaucoup' is an adverb and therefore does not conjugate or change form based on gender or number. It is commonly used in various contexts such as 'J'ai beaucoup de travail' - 'I have a lot of work'.

Example sentences with  beaucoup

In French, the word 'ça' is used as a demonstrative pronoun, similar to how 'that' is used in English. It is utilized to refer to a specific object or item being mentioned previously, or close to the speaker. Remember it's often used in conversational speech rather than a formal one.

Example sentences with  ça

The French word 'ceci' is commonly used to refer to something that is close to the speaker. It's generally used in a similar context that 'this' would be used in English. Remember, in French, all nouns have a gender so 'ceci' should match the gender and number of the noun it is paired with.

Example sentences with  ceci

In French, 'certain' is used similarly to how it is used in English, to express that something is known for sure, without any doubts. It can also be used in the plural form, 'certains', to mean 'some'. It can be used before a noun or on its own, such as 'Je suis certain' which translates to 'I am certain' in English.

Example sentences with  certain

The French word 'ces' translates to 'these' in English. It is used to refer to multiple objects or people that are close to the speaker. For instance, to indicate 'these books', one would say 'ces livres' in French.

Example sentences with  ces

The French word 'ceux' translates to 'those' in English. It is a demonstrative pronoun used in French to point out or refer to specific things or people that are masculine and plural. It can be used in sentences to either stand in for things/people mentioned previously, or to introduce those that will be described more fully in the following text. For instance, 'Ceux qui travaillent dur réussissent souvent' translates as 'Those who work hard often succeed'.

Example sentences with  ceux

In French, 'elle-même' is used when referring to a female subject in the context of having done an action to herself. It is the equivalent of 'herself' in English. This can apply across several contexts, including both physical and metaphorical actions, similar to how the term is used in English.

Example sentences with  elle-même

The French word 'eux' is a personal pronoun, commonly used to refer to a specific group of people previously mentioned in a conversation. It is the equivalent of 'them' in English and is generally used as a direct or indirect object in a sentence.

Example sentences with  eux

The French word 'eux-mêmes' is used similarly to 'themselves' in English. It is a reflexive pronoun, meaning it refers back to the subject of the sentence. It can be used in several contexts, such as emphasizing the people or things that perform an action (e.g., Ils ont fait le travail eux-mêmes or They did the work themselves), or indicating that an action affects the people or things performing it (e.g., Ils se sont blessés eux-mêmes or They hurt themselves).

Example sentences with  eux-mêmes

In French, 'they' translates to either 'ils' or 'elles', depending on the gender of the group. 'Ils' is used if it is a male group or a mixed-gender group, while 'elles' is used if the group is entirely female.

Example sentences with  ils/elles

The French word 'là' represents the English equivalent 'there'. It is used in pretty much the same way it would be in English, to denote a particular place or position. However, just like English, French has multiple words that can be translated as 'there', so the usage of 'là' may vary depending on the context. For instance, 'y' can also mean 'there', especially in the sense of 'in/at a place' while 'là' tends to mean 'there' in the sense of 'that place', pointing towards a certain area.

Example sentences with  

In French, 'leur' is used as a possessive adjective, equivalent to 'their' in English. It is used to indicate that something belongs to them. For example, 'C'est leur maison' would mean 'That is their house'. Unlike some other possessive adjectives in French, 'leur' does not change according to gender or number of the object owned, there is only one form.

Example sentences with  leur

In French, 'lui-même' is used to refer to 'himself'. It is a reflexive pronoun used when the subject and the object of the sentence are the same person. We use 'lui-même' when the subject is masculine. It can be used in different contexts, such as emphasizing importance or indicating that an action is done without any help.

Example sentences with  lui-même

The word 'myself' is translated to French as 'moi-même'. It is used in the same contexts as in English, typically to emphasize that the speaker is performing the action themselves, or to refer back to the speaker. For example, 'I did it myself' would translate to 'Je l'ai fait moi-même'.

Example sentences with  moi-même
n'importe quoi

In French, 'n'importe quoi' is commonly used to mean 'anything'. It is used for indicating nonspecific things or amounts, similar to how 'anything' is used in English. For instance, when asked what you want to eat, you might say 'n'importe quoi' to mean you'll have anything.

Example sentences with  n'importe quoi

The French term 'où' is equivalent to the English word 'where'. It is used to ask about a location or position. Similar to English, 'où' can be used in both direct and indirect questions or clauses about location. As an example, 'Où est la bibliothèque?' translates to 'Where is the library?' in English. It also plays a role in some descriptive clauses, such as in 'L'endroit où nous avons mangé' which translates to 'The place where we ate'.

Example sentences with  
peu importe

The French word 'peu importe' is used in the same way as 'whatever' in English. It is often used when the speaker doesn't care about the specific detail of something and can also be used to express indifference or nonchalance about the options available, as in 'Choose whichever you want, it doesn't matter to me'. Similar to its English equivalent, 'peu importe' can sometimes be seen as dismissive or rude if used in the wrong context.

Example sentences with  peu importe

The French term 'quel' translates to 'which' in English. It is used in questions or statements to indicate a limited set of choices or potential options. For instance, if you want to ask 'Which book are you reading?', you would say 'Quel livre lis-tu?' in French. It's prevalent in both spoken and written French, and the usage mirrors that of the English word 'which'.

Example sentences with  quel

The French word for 'someone' is 'quelqu'un'. It is used the same way it is in English, to refer to an unspecified person. The term 'quelqu'un' is predominantly used in most of the conversations to represent a person whose identity is not known or not specifically mentioned. An example of its usage in a sentence is: 'Je cherche quelqu'un qui peut m'aider', which translates to, 'I'm looking for someone who can help me.'

Example sentences with  quelqu'un
quelque chose

The French word 'quelque chose' translates directly to 'something' in English. It is typically used in the same contexts as the English word - to refer to an undefined or unspecified thing. For example, if you want to say 'I want something' in French, you would say 'Je veux quelque chose'.

Example sentences with  quelque chose

The French word 'quelques' is used similarly as 'some' in English. It is used when the exact number is not known, or it is not important or relevant to know. For example, you might say 'J'ai quelques amis' which translates to 'I have some friends'. It is also important to note that 'quelques' is always used before a plural noun.

Example sentences with  quelques

The French word 'quoi' stands for the English word 'what'. It is often used in forming or answering questions. Similar to the English equivalent, 'quoi' can either be used to ask for specific information ('Quoi est-ce? — What is it?') or to express surprise or disbelief ('Quoi? — What?'). Note that the word ’quoi’ is generally used in informal speech; in formal writing or speech, 'que' or 'quel(le)' is more commonly used.

Example sentences with  quoi

The French word 'rien' translates to 'nothing' in English. It is used in the same way as in English - to denote the absence of something or to negate an existence. For instance, 'Je ne vois rien' translates to 'I see nothing'. When it starts a sentence or question, 'rien' should be used with 'ne' before the verb.

Example sentences with  rien

The French equivalent for 'yourself' is 'toi-même'. It's often used in the same contexts as the English word, e.g., when referring to the person you're speaking to. Like in English, it's primarily used in reflexive contexts and to emphasize the individuality of the person being referred to. For instance, 'Believe in toi-même' translates to 'Believe in yourself'.

Example sentences with  toi-même

The French word 'tout' is used to represent the English term 'everything'. It is utilized in various contexts, which can range from referring to all things in an absolute sense, to implying every part of a certain aspect. 'Tout' is mostly used as an adjective, pronoun, or adverb. An example sentence would be 'Elle sait tout', which means 'She knows everything'.

Example sentences with  tout
tout le monde

The French translation for 'everyone' is 'tout le monde'. It is a universally used phrase in French that refers to all people. It can be used in a variety of contexts, much like its English counterpart. However, unlike English, 'tout le monde' is singular in French and agreeing verbs and adjectives have to be singular too.

Example sentences with  tout le monde
un autre

The French word 'un autre' translates to 'another' in English. It is used in similar context as in English, referring to an additional item or person. It can be used in a sentence like 'Je veux un autre café', which means 'I want another coffee'.

Example sentences with  un autre
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