French Learning French: Press Written

A collection of words categorized under 'Press Written'. Useful for learning written communication in French related to press.

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The French translation for news is 'nouvelles'. This word is mostly used in the context of referring to recent events or happenings, whether local or globally. It is used pretty similarly as in English, but must agree in number with what it's referring to. It can be used in various situations such as when discussing news articles (les articles de nouvelles), TV news (les nouvelles télévisées), or just to talk about general news (des nouvelles).

Example sentences with  nouvelles →

The French word for 'head' is 'tĂȘte'. It is used in the same way as in English to refer to the top part of the human body that includes the brain, eyes, mouth, etc. It is also used metaphorically in phrases like 'prendre la tĂȘte' (to be the leader) or 'mal de tĂȘte' (headache). Just as in English, 'tĂȘte' is a versatile word in French.

Example sentences with  tĂȘte →
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