French Politics and Government Vocabulary

Learn French vocabulary for discussing politics and government. Includes terms for political offices, systems, and concepts.


Administration in French is used the same way it is used in English, representing the tasks and activities that are related to operating an organization, such as a business or school. It can also refer to the group of people who are in charge of managing such an organization.

Example sentences with  administration

The French word 'campagne' is used in the same way as the English word 'campaign'. It is generally used to refer to an organized effort towards a particular goal, such as a political campaign ('campagne électorale') or advertising campaign ('campagne publicitaire'). Like in English, it can also refer to the countryside or rural areas.

Example sentences with  campagne

The French word 'candidat' translates to 'candidate' in English. It is used in much the same way as the English term: to refer to someone who is applying for a job or running in an election. It can be used in various contexts such as in politics (candidat à la présidence), job applications (candidat pour un poste), and competitive processes in general.

Example sentences with  candidat

The word 'comté' in French translates to 'county' in English. It is used to represent a geographic region of a country used for administrative or other purposes in certain modern nations. In France, it's not widely used in contemporary context as their main geographic subdivisions are regions and departments, but still holds historical significance. It is also most commonly recognized as a type of French cheese.

Example sentences with  comté

The French word 'congrès' is used in much the same way as the English word 'congress.' It can refer to a formal meeting or series of meetings for discussion and decision in such areas as politics and business. An example of use could be: 'Ils vont participer au congrès de la santé cette année,' which translates to, 'They will participate in the health congress this year.'

Example sentences with  congrès

The French word 'démocrate' is used in the same way as the English word 'democrat'. It refers to a person who supports democracy, which is a system of government where the citizens exercise power by voting. In a political context, 'démocrate' could be used to refer to a member of the Democratic Party in the United States.

Example sentences with  démocrate

The French word for 'economy' is 'Économie'. It is used in many of the same contexts as it is in English, referring to the wealth and resources of a country or region, particularly in terms of production and consumption. It can also refer to careful management of available resources. 'Économie' is a feminine noun in French, and like most French words, there is a lot of focus on the pronunciation of each syllable.

Example sentences with  Économie

The French word 'État' is equivalent to the English word 'state'. It can be used as a noun in a variety of contexts, such as to denote a country or nation ('État'), a physical condition or status ('état'), or one of the member territories of a federal country such as the USA ('état'). Just like in English, it changes meaning based on its context.

Example sentences with  État

The French word 'étranger' means 'foreign'. It is typically used in the context of something or someone that is not native to France or the French language. It can describe foreign objects, places, and people. For example, a foreign country would be 'un pays étranger' and a foreign language would be 'une langue étrangère'. It's important to note that 'étranger' can also be a noun meaning foreigner.

Example sentences with  étranger

The French word for government is 'gouvernement'. It is used in the same way as English, referring to the group of people with the authority to govern a country or state at a given time. It is used in a variety of contexts such as politics, law, and global affairs.

Example sentences with  gouvernement

The word 'international' is both an adjective and a noun in English, and is translated as 'international' in French as well. It is used to describe actions, events, or things that occur or are relevant at a worldwide scale, not contained within national boundaries. For example, 'Le Conseil international de la langue française' is 'The International Council for the French Language' in English.

Example sentences with  international

The French word for 'nation' remains 'nation'. It is used in the same contexts as in English, representing a community of people who share a common language, history, culture, or geographic territory. It is used in political and social discussions, emphasizing identity and unity of a group of people.

Example sentences with  nation

The French word for 'national' is 'national'. It is used in a similar way in English to refer to something that belongs to, relates to, or is characteristic of a whole nation or country. For example, we can say 'Patrimoine national' which translates to 'national heritage' in English.

Example sentences with  national

The French word for 'country' is 'pays'. It is used in the same manner as in English, to describe a geographic area which is distinct in culture, geography, or politics. For example, 'France est mon pays préféré' translates to 'France is my favorite country.'

Example sentences with  pays

The French word 'politique' closely mirrors the English 'political'. It is used to describe anything related to the government, policy-making or politics as a general sphere. Like the English word, it can be used broadly to discuss concepts like 'political strategy', 'political entity', or 'political philosophy'. The adverb form is 'politiquement'. The word 'politique' is a common term in discussions about government and law.

Example sentences with  politique

The French word for 'population' is also 'population'. It is used in the same context as it is in English, referring to the people who live in a specific area such as a country, city, or town. 'Population' can also be used to refer to a group of people or animals of a specific kind. For example, 'La population française' translates to 'The French population'.

Example sentences with  population

The French word 'privé' is used similarly to 'private' in English. It can be used to describe something personal or confidential, like a private conversation ('conversation privée'), or refer to a non-state entity, like a private company ('entreprise privée'). So, the usage of 'privé' really mirrors that of 'private' in English.

Example sentences with  privé

The word in French for 'region' is 'région'. It is used in the same context as in English and refers to a specific geographic area that can be distinguished from other areas due to its characteristics, natural features or political division. The word 'région' is used across different settings in France, including administrative, geographical, political, and more.

Example sentences with  région

The French word 'républicain' translates to 'republican' in English. It is used to describe someone who supports a republic, a type of government in which power resides in elected individuals representing the citizen body. In the context of French politics, it refers to members or supporters of the 'Les Républicains', a center-right political party in France. However, like in English, it can also be used in a broader sense to describe someone who supports the ideology of republicanism.

Example sentences with  républicain

In French, the word 'roi' means 'king'. It is used in the same way as in English, to denote a male ruler of an independent state, especially one who inherits the position by right of birth. It can also be used metaphorically in various expressions or to symbolize someone or something in a supreme position.

Example sentences with  roi

The French word 'soutien' is used in much the same way as the English word 'support'. It can refer to the act of supporting a cause or person, or a structure which holds up another. It's also used in a more metaphorical sense, like in English, to denote psychological or emotional support.

Example sentences with  soutien

In French, 'union' is used similarly to English, referring to an agreement or alliance among individuals, groups or nations. It may be used contextually in many scenarios such as marriages (as in 'union matrimoniale'), political unions or labor unions (as in 'union des travailleurs'). As in English, it conveys a sense of harmony or coming together.

Example sentences with  union

The French word 'unité' is most commonly used exactly like the English word 'unity'. It can refer to the state of being one or joined as a whole. For example 'L'unité de la famille' would translate to 'The unity of the family'. This word is commonly used in both physics and mathematics as well.

Example sentences with  unité

In French, 'vote' is translated as 'vote'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to the formal expression of a choice in an election, meeting, or other decision-making occasion. It can be used in various contexts such as political elections, informal group decisions, or preferences. The word 'vote' is commonly used in daily conversations, particularly in contexts discussing democratic processes or personal choices.

Example sentences with  vote
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