French French Physical Characteristicss

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The word 'poisson' in French is used similarly to the English 'fish'. You can use it to refer to the animals that live in water, the act of fishing, and also for the dish cooked with fish as an ingredient.

Example sentences with  poisson →

The French word 'poste' is used similar to the English 'post'. It is commonly used to refer to a job or position, as well as in reference to mailing or shipping items, just like in English. Also, it can be used to refer to a post or station in a technical or military context.

Example sentences with  poste →

The French word 'regarder' equates to 'look' in English. It is commonly used when asking someone to examine or gaze at something or someone. Regardless of the context, whether instructing, requesting or merely suggesting, French speakers use 'regarder' to command one's attention visually, in the same manner that 'look' is used in English.

Example sentences with  regarder →
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