French Philosophy Vocabulary Learning

A comprehensive collection of French vocabulary related to the field of philosophy. Ideal for English speakers learning French.


The French word 'idée' translates directly to 'idea' in English. It is used in similar contexts as in English where an idea represents a concept, thought, or notion that can be formed mentally. It can be used in various phrases, as part of metaphorical expressions or colloquial language, similar to its English counterpart.

Example sentences with  idée

The French translation for 'thought' is 'pensée'. It is a feminine noun in French. It may refer to the act of thinking, a specific idea or consideration, or the mind’s capacity for intellectual activity in general. Depending on context, it might also mean opinion or judgment. It is used much like the English 'thought', as in the expression 'Je t'aime plus que tu ne le penses' which means 'I love you more than you think'.

Example sentences with  pensée
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