French French Personal Valuess

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The French word for 'hospital' is 'hôpital'. It is used in the same way as in English, referring to a place where sick or injured people are given medical or surgical care. Note that in French, the 'h' is silent and the accent on the 'o' indicates that it is stressed in pronunciation.

Example sentences with  hôpital →

The French word for 'justice' is also 'justice', pronounced slightly differently. It is used in the same contexts as in English, such as referring to fairness or legal decisions. For example, 'La justice est servie' means 'Justice is served'.

Example sentences with  justice →

The French word for 'full' is 'plein'. It is used similarly to English - to describe something that is complete or contains all that it can. It can be used in various contexts, for example, to describe a full glass of water you'd say 'un verre plein d'eau'.

Example sentences with  plein →
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