French Understanding Nouns in French

Explore the concept of nouns in French language including its usage, types and examples.


The English word 'hang' translates to 'accrocher' in French. It's commonly used to express placing something so that it's attached to a wall, or to float in the air as in hanging a picture, or hanging a mobile. However, it is also used figuratively, like to hang on the phone. The context of the sentence often determines how it's used.

Example sentences with  accrocher

The French word 'acteur' is used in the same way as the English word 'actor'. It is used to refer to a male person who performs in plays, movies, or television shows. The feminine form of the word 'acteur' is 'actrice', which is used to refer to a female actor.

Example sentences with  acteur

In French, the word 'action' is used similarly to its usage in English by referring to the act of doing something or a thing done. It can be used in various contexts such as in movies and films (action movie), in sports (action in a game), and in finance (action - stock). Just like in English, it can also be used to describe the process of doing something to achieve something else.

Example sentences with  action

The French word 'activité' directly translates to 'activity' in English. It's used in similar context to describe action or tasks. It can refer to any kind of physical or mental occupation or pursuit. For example, 'Activité physique' means 'Physical activity'. In the plural form, 'activités' can also mean different types of events or hobbies.

Example sentences with  activité

The French word 'actrice' corresponds to the English word 'actress'. It refers to a female who performs in plays, movies or television shows. In a sentence, you could say 'Elle est une actrice célèbre', which means, 'She is a famous actress.'

Example sentences with  actrice

Administration in French is used the same way it is used in English, representing the tasks and activities that are related to operating an organization, such as a business or school. It can also refer to the group of people who are in charge of managing such an organization.

Example sentences with  administration

The French word for 'deal' is 'affaire'. It can be used in various contexts such as business/ transaction (Faire une affaire - Make a deal) or event/ situation (Quelle affaire! - What a mess!). It is important to be aware of the context to understand the exact meaning.

Example sentences with  affaire

The French word 'affaires' directly translates to 'business' in English. It is often used in similar contexts as it is in English - to talk about trade, commerce, or a particular professional field. However, like in English, it can also have other interpretations based on the context. Importantly, remember that in French, most nouns are accompanied by a definite or indefinite article.

Example sentences with  affaires

The French word 'affecter' is the equivalent of the English word 'affect'. It is used as a verb in sentences and can refer to the act of influencing something or someone. Just like in English, it can be used in various contexts, including emotional, scientific, or general scenarios. For example, 'Cette nouvelle va l'affecter' means 'This news is going to affect him/her'.

Example sentences with  affecter

The word 'agence' in French is commonly used to denote a bureau or office where business is conducted or services provided. It is similar to the English usage of the term 'agency' and can cover a wide range of contexts, such as a travel agency (agence de voyage) or news agency (agence de presse). It can be used in both formal and informal settings.

Example sentences with  agence

In French, 'help' translates to 'aide'. This word can be used in contexts where assistance or support is being provided. It can be used similar to how it is used in English, as a noun or verb, within a sentence. For example, 'J'ai besoin d'aide' translates to 'I need help'.

Example sentences with  aide

The term 'ami' is a commonly-used word in French to refer to a friend. It's used in contexts similar to the English 'friend', denoting a person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.

Example sentences with  ami

'Amitié' is the French term for 'friendship'. It is often used to describe the state of being friends or a friendly feeling towards someone.

Example sentences with  amitié

In French, the English word 'love' is translated as 'amour'. It can be used in similar contexts as in English to express romantic affection or deep friendliness towards someone or something. For example, 'Je t'aime' in French is 'I love you' in English. It's vital in phrases that express strong emotional statements.

Example sentences with  amour

The word 'analysis' in English translates to 'analyse' in French. It is used in a similar context as in English, referring to a detailed examination of the elements or structure of a phenomenon. It can be used in various contexts in French, such as during scientific research ('analyse scientifique'), literary critique ('analyse littéraire'), or even in day-to-day conversation when referring to breaking down or studying a problem or situation.

Example sentences with  analyse

The French word for animal is 'animal'. It is used in the same context as in English to refer to any member of the Animalia kingdom, including humans. It can be used to describe pets, wildlife, and zoo inhabitants. It can also be an adjective describing anything relating to animals.

Example sentences with  animal

The French word 'année' means 'year' in English. It is mostly used in the same way as in English, to refer to the period of 365 days (or 366 days in leap years) from the 1st of January to the 31st of December. Sometimes, it can also be used to refer to any period of twelve consecutive months.

Example sentences with  année
appareil photo

The French term for 'camera' is 'appareil photo'. It is used much in the same way as in English, referring to a device that captures images. An example of its use in a sentence is 'Je vais acheter un nouvel appareil photo' which means 'I am going to buy a new camera.'

Example sentences with  appareil photo

The French word for 'tree' is 'arbre'. It is used in the same context as English, to describe a type of plant that is typically taller than a shrub and has a trunk, branches and leaves. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as talking about nature, describing a location, or discussing environmental issues.

Example sentences with  arbre

The word 'argent' is the French translation of the English word 'money'. It encompasses all forms of currency, just like the English term. 'Argent' is used in French in much the same way 'money' is used in English, such as to refer to personal wealth or to the cost of items. For instance, 'J'ai de l'argent' translates to 'I have money', and 'Combien d'argent?' translates to 'How much money?'.

Example sentences with  argent

The term 'armée' in French is used in the same context as 'army' in English, referring to a country's organized, armed land force. It is a female noun in French and is used in various contexts such as discussing the military, history or geopolitics. Like in English, it can also sometimes metaphorically refer to a large group of people or things.

Example sentences with  armée

In French, 'article' is exactly as it is in English - 'article'. It's used in a very similar way and refers to an account or analysis of a subject or a news report, usually presented in print or online media. It can be countable or uncountable, and can refer to an individual object or items within a group.

Example sentences with  article

The word 'artiste' in French is used very similarly to the word 'artist' in English. It refers to a person who creates art, often professionally. This could apply to a range of artistic professions, including painters, musicians, actors among others. Just as in English, it can also be used metaphorically in French to refer to someone who is extremely skilled in a certain area.

Example sentences with  artiste

The French word 'attaque' is used primarily in the context of a physical or verbal assault, similar to the English word 'attack'. It can be used to refer to an act of aggressive action against someone or something. It can also refer to a critical or hostile comment.

Example sentences with  attaque

The French word 'atteindre' is used to express the action of reaching something or someone. It can be used in many different contexts, just like the English word 'reach'. For example, it can be used to discuss reaching a destination or a goal. It can also be used metaphorically, similar to how you might say 'reach a conclusion' in English.

Example sentences with  atteindre

The French word 'Attendre' is used to express the action of waiting. It is a verb and can be used in various contexts just like the English equivalent. For example, 'J'attends mon ami' means 'I wait for my friend'. It can also be used in the imperative form like 'Attends!' which means 'Wait!'.

Example sentences with  Attendre

The French word 'attention' is used in the same way as the English 'attention.' It is a noun that infers overall meaning of concentration or focusing on something. For example, if a French teacher says 'Portez attention,' it means 'Pay attention.' It can also be used to denote caution or being careful.

Example sentences with  attention

The French word for 'beyond' is 'au-delà'. This term is often used to refer to something that is further than a particular point or outside a particular region, or to express that something is greater or more extreme than a certain limit. For instance, it is used in phrases like 'au-delà de mes rêves' which translates to 'beyond my dreams'. Just like in English, it can be used for physical, metaphorical, or figurative contexts.

Example sentences with  au-delà

The French word 'augmenter' is equivalent to the English term 'raise'. It is usually used in the context of increasing something in quantity, size, quality, or strength like we do in English. For example, when discussing salary or wage increase, one might use 'augmenter'. However, in contexts where 'raise' is used to describe bringing up a child, the French term 'élever' is more appropriate. Nonetheless, its usage depends greatly on the context in which it is used.

Example sentences with  augmenter

The French equivalent for the English word 'today' is 'aujourd'hui'. It is used in the same context to refer to the current day. For example, 'Je vais à la plage aujourd'hui' translates to 'I am going to the beach today'. This word is typically used in everyday conversation and written language.

Example sentences with  aujourd'hui
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