French French Labour Rights And Obligationss

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The French word 'avantage' is used similarly to the English word 'benefit', generally referring to a profit or gain. It can be used in various contexts, such as physical/health 'benefits,' and 'benefits' in finance and economics. Just like in English, it can also be used metaphorically to refer to any kind of advantage or upper hand. For example, in sports, a 'home advantage' would be translated as 'avantage à domicile' in French.

Example sentences with  avantage →

The French word 'revendiquer' is equivalent to the English word 'claim'. It is used to express the affirmation of one's right to or ownership of something. It can also refer to an assertion of the truth of something, typically without providing evidence or proof. Just like in English, it can be used in various contexts such as legal, insurance, personal or social situations.

Example sentences with  revendiquer →

The French word 'travail' is used in the same context as the English word 'work'. It can refer both to the act of working and the place where one works, although it is more commonly used to refer to the act of working. Like the English equivalent, it can also be used in various idiomatic expressions and phrases.

Example sentences with  travail →

In French, 'union' is used similarly to English, referring to an agreement or alliance among individuals, groups or nations. It may be used contextually in many scenarios such as marriages (as in 'union matrimoniale'), political unions or labor unions (as in 'union des travailleurs'). As in English, it conveys a sense of harmony or coming together.

Example sentences with  union →
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