French Learn French: Interjection

A guide to understand the use of interjections in French. Explore common interjections and their English equivalents.


The French word 'absolument' is used in the same way as 'absolutely' in English. It is an adverb that is used to agree completely or to emphasize something. You can use it to express full agreement, or to say that something is entirely true or accurate. Examples include: 'Il est absolument correct' (He's absolutely correct), or 'C'est absolument merveilleux!' (It's absolutely wonderful!).

Example sentences with  absolument

In French, 'help' translates to 'aide'. This word can be used in contexts where assistance or support is being provided. It can be used similar to how it is used in English, as a noun or verb, within a sentence. For example, 'J'ai besoin d'aide' translates to 'I need help'.

Example sentences with  aide

The French word 'arrêter' is used similarly to how 'stop' is used in English. It can be utilized to signify the cessation of an activity or to instruct someone to stop doing something. For example, 'Arrête de manger' translates to 'Stop eating'. It can also be used to express the act of arresting someone, as in 'arrêter un criminel' which means 'arrest a criminal'.

Example sentences with  arrêter

The French word 'assez' is used similarly to 'enough' in English. It primarily functions as an adverb and occasionally as an adjective, depending on the context. For example, 'J'ai assez mangé' translates to 'I have eaten enough'. It can also express the adequacy of a quantity or degree, such as in 'Elle est assez grande', meaning 'She is tall enough'.

Example sentences with  assez

The English word 'beautiful' is translated as 'beau' in French. It is used to describe anything that one finds pleasing or attractive, much like the usage in English. Its feminine form is 'belle', used when referring to a female or an object that is feminine according to French grammar. The plural form is 'beaux' for masculine or mixed groups, and 'belles' for an all-female group.

Example sentences with  beau

The French word for 'word' is 'mot'. It is used the same way as in English, to represent a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed.

Example sentences with  mot

The French word 'ouais' is often used as an informal or slang way to say 'yeah' in English. It is usually used in casual conversation and is equivalent to saying 'yes.' However, it is less formal than 'oui,' the standard French word for 'yes.'

Example sentences with  ouais
peu importe

The French word 'peu importe' is used in the same way as 'whatever' in English. It is often used when the speaker doesn't care about the specific detail of something and can also be used to express indifference or nonchalance about the options available, as in 'Choose whichever you want, it doesn't matter to me'. Similar to its English equivalent, 'peu importe' can sometimes be seen as dismissive or rude if used in the wrong context.

Example sentences with  peu importe
plus tard

The French word 'plus tard' directly translates to 'later' in English. It can be used in the same way we use 'later' in English, to refer to a point in time that happens after the present. For example, it can be used when you are talking about going to a place or doing an action 'later'. Keep in mind that in some contexts, French speakers might also use the word 'après' to mean 'later', but 'plus tard' is a more direct translation.

Example sentences with  plus tard

The French word 'regarder' equates to 'look' in English. It is commonly used when asking someone to examine or gaze at something or someone. Regardless of the context, whether instructing, requesting or merely suggesting, French speakers use 'regarder' to command one's attention visually, in the same manner that 'look' is used in English.

Example sentences with  regarder
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