French French Information And Communications

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The French word 'avis' directly translates to 'opinion' in English. It is used in a similar fashion as in English - to express personal beliefs, thoughts, or views on a particular topic. For example, 'Mon avis est que le film était excellent' means 'My opinion is that the movie was excellent'. It can be used in various contexts and can replace 'opinion' in almost all English sentences.

Example sentences with  avis →

The French word for 'data' is 'données'. It is used in the same context as in English, such as in the domains of computing, science, and businesses where information or facts are gathered for deep analysis, just that instead of 'data', 'données' is used.

Example sentences with  données →

The word 'histoire' in French corresponds to 'story' in English. It can be used in the context of telling a narrative or tale, as in 'raconte une histoire'. It can also refer to history, depending on the context. Please note that French words may have different meanings based on their usage and context.

Example sentences with  histoire →

In French, 'médias' is the translated term for 'media'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the internet) regarded collectively. Like in English, it can be used in singular or plural depending on the context, though plural (les médias) is more commonly used when referencing the media as a whole.

Example sentences with  médias →

The French translation for news is 'nouvelles'. This word is mostly used in the context of referring to recent events or happenings, whether local or globally. It is used pretty similarly as in English, but must agree in number with what it's referring to. It can be used in various situations such as when discussing news articles (les articles de nouvelles), TV news (les nouvelles télévisées), or just to talk about general news (des nouvelles).

Example sentences with  nouvelles →

The French word 'rapport' translates to 'report' in English. It is used in the French language to refer to detailed accounts or statements about a particular matter or occurrence, similar to how 'report' is used in English. This may include formal reports for school, workplace reports, or informational reports in journalism.

Example sentences with  rapport →
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