French French Housing Characteristicss

Learn French faster with the most commonly used Housing Characteristicss.

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The French word for building is 'bâtiment'. It is used in the same way as in English to refer to any type of structure that has a roof and walls, such as houses, schools, offices, etc. For example, 'J'habite dans un grand bâtiment' means 'I live in a big building'.

Example sentences with  bâtiment →

The French word 'cas' is used similarly to the English 'case'. It can suggest a particular situation or event, as well as a legal investigation. But be careful, in French 'cas' does not mean a box or a container, for that the word 'boîte' is used.

Example sentences with  cas →

The French word for 'field' is 'champ'. It can be used in multiple contexts, similar to English. For example, you can use 'champ' to reference a physical field (e.g. I am standing in the 'champ') or a field of study (e.g. he is an expert in his 'champ'). Use it as you use 'field' in English.

Example sentences with  champ →

The French word 'confortable' is used similar to the English word 'cozy'. It is most commonly used to describe places or objects that are comfortable, warm, or inviting, such as a cozy home (un maison confortable) or a cozy chair (un chaise confortable). However, it doesn't express the intimacy or small space the way 'cozy' does in English.

Example sentences with  confortable →

The French word for 'study' is 'étudier'. It is usually used to refer to the act of devoting time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic subject, especially by means of books, or a detailed investigation and analysis of a subject or situation.

Example sentences with  étudier →

The French word for 'window' is 'fenêtre'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to an opening in a wall, door, roof or vehicle that allows the passage of light and may also allow the passage of sound and air. For example, 'Ouvre la fenêtre' means 'Open the window'.

Example sentences with  fenêtre →

The French word for 'house' is 'maison'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to a building for habitation by people. In most cases, a 'maison' is a free-standing structure, as opposed to an apartment or flat ('appartement' in French).

Example sentences with  maison →

The French word for 'wall' is 'mur'. It's used in the same way as in English, to refer to a vertical structure that defines and sometimes protects an area. For instance, 'Le chat grimpe sur le mur' means 'The cat is climbing on the wall'.

Example sentences with  mur →

The French word for 'door' is 'porte'. It is a feminine noun in French, and it is used just as in English, to refer to the barrier or entrance to a room or building. You can use it in phrases like 'ouvrir la porte' (open the door), or 'ferme la porte' (close the door).

Example sentences with  porte →

The French word 'propriété' is used in a similar way as 'property' in English. It can refer to a physical building or land owned by someone, or to an attribute, quality, or characteristic of something. For example, 'Elle a acheté une propriété à la campagne' means 'She bought a property in the country'. Likewise, 'La propriété de cette matière est qu'elle résiste à la chaleur' can be translated to 'The property of this material is that it is heat resistant'.

Example sentences with  propriété →

The word 'terre' is used in French to mean 'land'. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as describing a piece of earth or ground (la terre), talking about a country or territory (la terre de mes ancêtres) or referencing the planet Earth itself (la Terre). This word is a common noun and always starts with a lowercase, except when it represents the Earth, or at the start of a sentence.

Example sentences with  terre →
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