French French General Questionss

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The word 'analysis' in English translates to 'analyse' in French. It is used in a similar context as in English, referring to a detailed examination of the elements or structure of a phenomenon. It can be used in various contexts in French, such as during scientific research ('analyse scientifique'), literary critique ('analyse littéraire'), or even in day-to-day conversation when referring to breaking down or studying a problem or situation.

Example sentences with  analyse →

The French word for 'study' is 'étudier'. It is usually used to refer to the act of devoting time and attention to acquiring knowledge on an academic subject, especially by means of books, or a detailed investigation and analysis of a subject or situation.

Example sentences with  étudier →

The French word 'méthode' is used quite similarly to the English 'method'. It can be used to describe a particular procedure for accomplishing or approaching something. It often used in academic, scientific or task-oriented contexts. For example, one might talk about 'la méthode de calcul' when referring to a certain 'calculation method'.

Example sentences with  méthode →

In French, 'physique' is used to describe something related to the body or something which is material or tangible. Similar to English, it can be used in various contexts such as physical education (éducation physique), physical appearance (apparence physique), or physical science (science physique). Its usage is heavily dependent on context.

Example sentences with  physique →

The French word for 'science' is 'science', pronounced as see-ahns. It's used in much the same way as the English word, referring to a systematic and logical approach to discovering how things in the universe work. It's a countable noun in both languages, so it can be plural or singular depending on context. Common expressions include 'les sciences naturelles' (natural sciences) and 'faire des sciences' (to study science).

Example sentences with  science →

The French word for 'technology' is 'technologie'. The usage is quite similar to English; it's used to refer to machinery and equipment developed from scientific knowledge. It can be used in various contexts, whether talking about the rise of new 'technologie', the use of 'technologie' in different industries, or studying 'technologie' at school. Like in English, in French it is also a commonly used word, especially in contemporary times when technology has a significant role in various aspects of life.

Example sentences with  technologie →

The French word for theory is 'théorie'. Just like in English, 'théorie' is used to explain or describe a phenomenon or a set of facts, and it can be used in a great variety of contexts, such as science, mathematics, philosophy and many more. It is generally used in a similar way as it is in English, allowing French learners to directly translate their thoughts.

Example sentences with  théorie →
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