French French Financial Servicess

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The word 'argent' is the French translation of the English word 'money'. It encompasses all forms of currency, just like the English term. 'Argent' is used in French in much the same way 'money' is used in English, such as to refer to personal wealth or to the cost of items. For instance, 'J'ai de l'argent' translates to 'I have money', and 'Combien d'argent?' translates to 'How much money?'.

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In French, 'banque' refers to a financial institution that accepts deposits, lends money and offers related financial services. It is used in the same context as the English word 'bank'. For example, 'Je vais à la banque' means 'I am going to the bank'.

Example sentences with  banque →

The French word 'compte' translates to 'account' in English. It is usually used in the context of situations involving banks, money, email accounts, and numerical counts. For example, one might say 'Ouvre un compte bancaire' which means 'Open a bank account', or 'Mon compte de courrier électronique' meaning 'My email account'. Apart from these, it also refers to taking something into consideration as in 'prendre en compte', meaning 'to take into account'

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The French word 'tourner' is used to indicate the act of rotating or turning something. Just like its English counterpart 'turn', 'tourner' can be used in various contexts. For instance, it can indicate a physical action like turning the head, a direction change while driving, or the act of flipping pages in a book. Also, it can be used metaphorically, like turning over a new leaf i.e., 'tourner une nouvelle feuille'.

Example sentences with  tourner →
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