French French Finance And Stock Exchanges

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In French, the word 'action' is used similarly to its usage in English by referring to the act of doing something or a thing done. It can be used in various contexts such as in movies and films (action movie), in sports (action in a game), and in finance (action - stock). Just like in English, it can also be used to describe the process of doing something to achieve something else.

Example sentences with  action →

The word 'argent' is the French translation of the English word 'money'. It encompasses all forms of currency, just like the English term. 'Argent' is used in French in much the same way 'money' is used in English, such as to refer to personal wealth or to the cost of items. For instance, 'J'ai de l'argent' translates to 'I have money', and 'Combien d'argent?' translates to 'How much money?'.

Example sentences with  argent →

The French word 'carte' translates to 'card' in English. It is used quite similarly to how it's used in English, like in the context of a business card ('carte de visite'), a playing card ('carte à jouer'), or a menu card in a restaurant ('carte du jour'). It's pronounced kahrt.

Example sentences with  carte →

The French word 'Changé' corresponds to the English term 'change'. It is quintessential to understand that it is often used in the context of physical or emotional transformation, alternation, or evolution. For instance, 'J'ai changé de maison' would imply 'I changed my house'. However, the context of usage may vary, and it's crucial to identify the conjugation form and the grammar structure associated with the sentence.

Example sentences with  Changé →

The French word 'coût' is used similarly to the English word 'cost'. It relates to the amount that has to be paid or spent to buy or obtain something. It could be used regarding the price of items, services, or the consequences of a certain action. Just as in English, 'coût' can be used in various contexts such as economics, psychology, and personal finance.

Example sentences with  coût →

The French word for 'economy' is 'Économie'. It is used in many of the same contexts as it is in English, referring to the wealth and resources of a country or region, particularly in terms of production and consumption. It can also refer to careful management of available resources. 'Économie' is a feminine noun in French, and like most French words, there is a lot of focus on the pronunciation of each syllable.

Example sentences with  Économie →

The French word 'lettre' is used in a similar context to the English word 'letter.' It refers to a written, typed, or printed communication, sent in an envelope by post or messenger. It can also refer to a character representing one or more of the sounds used in speech, any of the symbols of an alphabet. However, note that it does not refer to 'letter' in the sense of a letter of the alphabet - that would be 'lettre de l'alphabet'.

Example sentences with  lettre →

The French word for 'house' is 'maison'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to a building for habitation by people. In most cases, a 'maison' is a free-standing structure, as opposed to an apartment or flat ('appartement' in French).

Example sentences with  maison →

In French, 'médias' is the translated term for 'media'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the internet) regarded collectively. Like in English, it can be used in singular or plural depending on the context, though plural (les médias) is more commonly used when referencing the media as a whole.

Example sentences with  médias →

The French word 'propriété' is used in a similar way as 'property' in English. It can refer to a physical building or land owned by someone, or to an attribute, quality, or characteristic of something. For example, 'Elle a acheté une propriété à la campagne' means 'She bought a property in the country'. Likewise, 'La propriété de cette matière est qu'elle résiste à la chaleur' can be translated to 'The property of this material is that it is heat resistant'.

Example sentences with  propriété →

In French, 'sauvegarder' is how you say 'save'. It is typically used in the context of storing or preserving something for future use - just like 'save' in English. For instance, you might use 'sauvegarder' to talk about saving a document or file on a computer, or preserving memories for later. It's fairly simple to use, as it typically fits into sentences in the same way as its English equivalent.

Example sentences with  sauvegarder →

The French term 'taux' is equivalent to the English word 'rate'. It's used in many contexts such as mathematics, economics, and general usage, where it can mean proportion, ratio, or speed. For instance, 'taux de change' means 'exchange rate' in financial context, while in a general context 'taux de réussite' can mean 'success rate'. As with many words, it's usage often depends on the specific context.

Example sentences with  taux →

The French word 'vérifier' translates to 'check' in English. It is often used in the context of examining or looking at something in detail to ensure that everything is correct or in order. Example: 'Je vais vérifier le moteur de ma voiture' which means 'I am going to check my car's engine'.

Example sentences with  vérifier →
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