French French Feelings And Moodss

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The word 'adoration' in French is equivalent to 'worship' in English. It's predominantly used in reference to the act of expressing love, adoration, and respect for a deity. However, it can also refer to an intense admiration or love for someone or something. It is widely used in religious contexts.

Example sentences with  adoration →

'Amitié' is the French term for 'friendship'. It is often used to describe the state of being friends or a friendly feeling towards someone.

Example sentences with  amitié →

In French, the English word 'love' is translated as 'amour'. It can be used in similar contexts as in English to express romantic affection or deep friendliness towards someone or something. For example, 'Je t'aime' in French is 'I love you' in English. It's vital in phrases that express strong emotional statements.

Example sentences with  amour →

The French word 'comme' is used similarly to the English word 'like'. It can be used to make comparisons or express likeness between two things. It can also be used to describe how something is happening, similar to the English 'as'. Importantly, it does not carry the connotation of preference or fondness that 'like' does in English, for that the French use 'aimer'.

Example sentences with  comme →

The word 'donner' is the French equivalent of the English word 'give'. It is used almost always in the same context as 'give', typically when transferring something from one person to another. It can also be used in many other contexts, like 'give me your hand' ('donne-moi ta main') or 'give a gift' ('donner un cadeau'). However, as with all translations, some idiomatic or cultural uses may not translate directly.

Example sentences with  donner →

The French word 'dos' translates to 'back' in English. It is used to describe the rear part of the human body from the neck to the end of the spine. It can also be used to describe the rear part or opposite side of something. For example, 'Le dos du livre' means 'The back of the book'.

Example sentences with  dos →

The French word 'joie' translates to 'joy' in English. It is typically used in the same contexts as the English word, to express a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. It can be used in many contexts - for example, 'Je ressens une grande joie' means 'I feel great joy'.

Example sentences with  joie →
s'il vous plaît

The French word 's'il vous plaît' literally translates as 'if it pleases you'. It is used in the same way as 'please' is used in English. Generally, it is put at the end of a request or question to make it polite. However, in informal situations, 's'il te plaît' (if it pleases you, informal) can be used. Also, it can be used in different contexts to say 'you're welcome' in response to 'thank you'.

Example sentences with  s'il vous plaît →

The French word for 'feeling' is 'sentiment'. It can be used in various contexts just as it is used in English. For example, 'J'ai un bon sentiment à propos de cela' means 'I have a good feeling about this'. It is important to note that like in English, sentiment in French can refer to both physical sensations and emotional states.

Example sentences with  sentiment →
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