French French Entities And Companiess

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In French, the word 'action' is used similarly to its usage in English by referring to the act of doing something or a thing done. It can be used in various contexts such as in movies and films (action movie), in sports (action in a game), and in finance (action - stock). Just like in English, it can also be used to describe the process of doing something to achieve something else.

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The French word 'activité' directly translates to 'activity' in English. It's used in similar context to describe action or tasks. It can refer to any kind of physical or mental occupation or pursuit. For example, 'Activité physique' means 'Physical activity'. In the plural form, 'activités' can also mean different types of events or hobbies.

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The French word 'affaires' directly translates to 'business' in English. It is often used in similar contexts as it is in English - to talk about trade, commerce, or a particular professional field. However, like in English, it can also have other interpretations based on the context. Importantly, remember that in French, most nouns are accompanied by a definite or indefinite article.

Example sentences with  affaires →

The word 'agence' in French is commonly used to denote a bureau or office where business is conducted or services provided. It is similar to the English usage of the term 'agency' and can cover a wide range of contexts, such as a travel agency (agence de voyage) or news agency (agence de presse). It can be used in both formal and informal settings.

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The French word for office is 'bureau'. It is used much in the same way as it is in English - to refer to a place where people work, often in front of a computer. It can also refer to a desk, which is often found in an office. In a broader sense, it could refer to a division or branch of a government, company, or other organization.

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The French word 'charge' is similar to the English 'charge' but it can have different meanings based on context. It can mean a responsibility or duty, as in 'J'ai beaucoup de charges à la maison' (I have lots of responsibilities at home). It also can refer to a load or a burden, as in a physical object being carried. Just like in English, 'charge' in French can also refer to a financial cost or fee. Its usage depends on the context within sentences.

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The French word for 'employee' is 'employé'. It is used in much the same way as in English, to refer to a person who is hired to provide services to a company on a regular basis in exchange for compensation and who does not provide these services as part of an independent business. Remember, French nouns have a gender, and 'employé' is masculine. If you want to refer to a female employee, you would say 'employée'.

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The French word for company is 'entreprise'. This term is widely used in business and economic contexts to refer to a commercial business or firm. Just like in English, it can be used for both small and large scale businesses across a variety of industries. Additionally, the term 'entreprise' can also be used to indicate effort or initiative, for example, 'une entreprise difficile' would translate to 'a difficult endeavour'.

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The French word for 'house' is 'maison'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to a building for habitation by people. In most cases, a 'maison' is a free-standing structure, as opposed to an apartment or flat ('appartement' in French).

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In French, 'organisation' is used to describe a structured body or system, just like in English. It can refer to companies, charities, sports clubs, etc. For instance, 'Je travaille pour une grande organisation' means 'I work for a large organization'. However, be careful with pronunciation and spelling as 'organisation' in French is written with an 's' rather than a 'z'.

Example sentences with  organisation →

The term 'partenaire' is used to refer to a partner. It can mean a romantic partner, business partner or even an activity partner.

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The French word 'travailleur' is used in much the same way as 'worker' in English. It describes someone who works, often in a manual or blue-collar capacity, but also applies more generally to anyone who exerts themselves laboriously. The pronunciation is tra-vai-yeur. It can also be used in multiple contexts. For instance, 'un travailleur acharné' means 'a hard worker', while 'les droits des travailleurs' refers to 'workers' rights'.

Example sentences with  travailleur →
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